Journals > Creating Journal Entries
Journal entries are used to move amounts from one account to another. This can be debtor/creditor payments, entering payroll, bank rec transactions etc.
This is also where your transactions will appear when using automated features in Workbook like payment proposals, project postings etc.
To learn more about navigating the journal entry module, see this knowledge base article.
Go to the finance & administration module > general ledger sub-menu > journals
Click the create new button
Select your journal type from the list
This will open the new entry in the journal entry tab
Fields highlighted in blue are required or recommended.
Error | This will let you know if there any any errors when approving your entry | Automated |
Booking date | The date the transaction happened | Y |
Voucher no. | This is automated but can be changed if required | Automated |
File upload (folder icon) | You can upload a document that relates to the transaction | N |
Voucher date | This will populate with the booking date you enter. You can change this if required | Y |
Comment | Use this to explain what the entry is for. | Not required but recommended |
Type | From here you can select the type of transaction: | Y |
Account | Select the account this transaction relates to | Y |
Currency | This will default to your local currency but can be changed | Y |
Amount | The amount of the transaction | Y |
GST | If you set up this line with GST (as set in Act. GST) the amount will show here | Automated |
Type | This is the offset account type with the same options as above. This is used if you’re putting your debit and credit on the same line. More detail below | N |
Offset acc. | This is the offset account with the same options as above. This is used if you’re putting your debit and credit on the same line. More detail below | N |
Currency rate | This will default to 100.00% unless you enter a different currency | Y |
Amount | If you change the currency, your local amount will show here | Automated |
Trans. type | You can use this to specify a transaction type for reporting purposes | N |
Dimensions | Any dimensions that are set up in your system are listed here | If your system requires it |
Journals can be entered either left to right or top to bottom. This depends on your preference but also whether you’re entering a transaction for one account or multiple to the same offset account.
Bank fee example:
Left to Right Journal Entry
The required fields for this transaction are:
Booking date
Comment - bank fee
Type - Finance as this is a transaction for a GL account
Account - The GL account
Type - Holding account as this is offset to a bank account
Offset account - The holding account
Top to Bottom Journal Entry
Line 1 required fields:
Booking date
Comment - bank fee
Type - Finance as this is a transaction for a GL account
Account - The GL account
Debit Amount
Line 2 required fields:
Booking date
Type - Holding account as this is offset to a bank account
Offset account - The holding account
Credit Amount
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