Journals > Journal Entries - Processing Payables

In the finance & administration module > general ledger > journals you can allocate payments that you’ve made to creditors.

This applies to payments you haven’t included in a payment proposal.

You can find more information on creating journals here - Creating Journal Entries


  • Make sure that the creditor invoice is posted

  • Check that all credit notes have been allocated to invoices


There are 2 ways to enter a journal, you can do a single line entry or a multi-line entry. This is down to your preference.

1. Single Line Entry:

  • In the finance and administration module > GL sub menu> journals

  • In the journal entry tab > enter the booking date and comment (this is what appears on your bank reconciliation for easier matching)

  • In the first type field > select creditor

  • In the account field > select the creditor you’ve paid (you may need to push enter to apply)

  • In the panel at the bottom, the invoices on the creditor will appear > select the invoices that the payment is for

  • Make sure that the amount matches the payment received

  • In the second type field > select holding

  • In the offset account field > select the bank account


2. Multi-Line Entry

  • Follow the instructions for creating a journal

  • In the journal entry tab > enter the booking date and comment (this is what appears on your bank reconciliation for easier matching)

  • In the first type field > select creditor

  • In the account field > select the creditor you’ve received the payment from (you may need to push enter to apply)

  • In the panel at the bottom, the invoices on the creditor will appear > select the invoices that the payment is for (as above)

  • To create a second line > click the create new journal entry button:

  • Enter the booking date and comment

  • In the first type field > select holding

  • In the offset account field > select the bank account

  • In the amount field > enter the credit amount


  • Once you’ve made your transactions, check the balances in the header are 0.00

Depending on your setup, you may need to select dimensions on your transactions before you can approve.


Sometimes the amount paid to the creditor differs to the invoice amounts. This can be due to bank fees or currency differences. There are 2 ways to handle this:

1. Remainder Handling on Creditor Level

  • Once you’ve selected the invoices > override the payment amount on the journal line

  • This will leave a balance on an invoice in the bottom panel

  • Once you’ve posted the journal > follow the instructions here to handle the remainder

2. Add Another Journal Line

  • Add another journal line with a finance type

  • Select the GL account > enter the amount

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