Implementation > Import Price Quotes
When first setting up your WorkBook system, a starting set of data can be imported, including price quotes. To import data successfully it is important to understand the data structures and the format required in the import data sheet.
Things to note:
Data is imported once, so it is important to ensure accuracy and consistency prior to uploading.
Not all fields are required at import, optional fields can be added to the system manually at a later date when/as required.
Download the Price Quotes import file below.
Price number | Number of the price quote being referenced. If the Price quote has multiple lines, using the same Price Number on those price quote lines. | Number | Yes |
Job no | The WorkBook job number the price quote belongs to. If the Price quote has multiple lines, using the same Job No on those price quote lines. | Number | Yes |
Activity | The activity number that the price quote line is tied to. Each price quote line can only have 1 activity. Activities are created and managed via the settings module> price lists & activities > activities | Number | Yes |
Activity text | The name of the activity | Text | No |
Phase no | The phase number. | Number | Yes |
Phase name | The phase name. | Text | Yes |
Line number | The number of the line being referenced | Number | Yes |
PriceQuoteName | Specify the name of the price quote. | Text | Yes |
Hours | The amount of hours that has been quoted to the client | Number | No |
Hourly Rate | The billable hourly sales rate for each hour | Number | No |
Cost Rate | Total internal cost to the agency for each activity line | Number | No |
Material Sale | The sales price of materials | Number | No |
Material Cost | The total cost of materials | Number | No |
Amount | The total amount inc. material cost and total billable amount (Hours x Hourly rate). | Number | No |
Profit margin | The profit as a percentage on purchases | Number | No |
Status | The status of the quote: | Number | Yes |
Purchases | The purchase cost of an activity | Number | No |
Currency | The currency code applied to the price quote e.g. EUR, AUD, SGD, USD, GBP etc. | Text | Yes |
Currency rate | The conversion rate from company currency | Number | No |
Resource | ID of the employee that the price quote line is tied to. Each price quote line can only have 1 employee. Use the same number used in the employee import | Text | No |
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