WorkBook API > API Overview

The WorkBook API is a standard REST API that can send and receive requests in JSON or JSV (JSON + CSV) formats. Read about REST API.

You can see the Postman documentation here:

To see ALL the available endpoints, open a browser and type in:

https://{base url}



Along with using custom fields, WorkBook allows the use of Databoards and Custom Codes.

Databoards can be especially useful, as they allow for direct Read-Only SQL code to be executed, meaning that you can create custom reports and tables and then query the data with one API call.

Combined with parameters to query the SQL with WHERE clauses, this can dramatically reduce and limit the amount of API calls and application logic.

You can read more about this in the Postman documentation.


If the API is called using JavaScript, you must set the system variable setting 1061, CORSWebSites to the correct sender address. Otherwise, the server blocks the request.

You must have administrator access to access this setting. Consult your system administrator or Tangram support if you don’t have access to this area as seen below.

  • Navigate to settings module > global system settings > system variables.

  • In the find setting number field > type 1061



  • Timesheets

  • Finance

  • Resources

  • Documents

  • Employees

  • Jobs


For additional API information refer to the articles below.

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