Implementation > Import Jobs
When first setting up your WorkBook system, a starting set of data can be imported, including your job information. To import data successfully it is important to understand the data structures and the format required in the import datasheet.
Things to note:
Data is imported once, so it is important to ensure accuracy and consistency prior to uploading.
Not all fields are required at import, optional fields can be added to the system manually at a later date when/as required.
Download the Jobs Data import file below.
CompId | The Resource ID of the company the job belongs to. This can be found in the WorkBook resource list If there is only one company in your WorkBook setup, simply use 1 in this field. | Number | Yes |
JobNum | The job number must be a unique code. When importing jobs, if the job number field contains at least one letter, the system will automatically generate a new job number upon import and the number in the file will populate the Job "Reference" field. Other imports can use either the job number or the job reference. Important: If the job number field contains only numbers, the system will not assign a new job number and will use the job number you have provided in the upload. Ensure that the job number includes at least one letter to trigger automatic job number generation. | Number & Letters | Yes |
JobName | The name of the job | Text | Yes |
CustNum | Use the unique code that you used for the clients in the clients & debtors import. This is how WorkBook knows which customer the job applies to | Number & Letters | Yes |
ResponsibleEmpNum | ID of the person responsible for managing the job (they will be assigned as project manager on the job). Use the same number used in the employee import This can be found in the Ref Key field in employee settings if you no longer have the import file. WorkBook Resource ID (WB Employee ID) can also be used in case the employee is created manually in WorkBook. Example: if the WB employee ID = 578, then the value in this column will be WB#578. | Number & Letters | Yes |
JobStatusId | The current status of the job: | Number Must be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 | Yes |
StartDate | Job start date | Date | Yes |
CloseDate | Job end date | Date | No |
ProjectNum | Used to allow imported jobs to be assigned to an existing project If blank, then the job will be assigned the default project number | Number - enter the project number | No |
ProjectName | Used to allow imported jobs to be assigned to an existing project If blank, then the job will be assigned the default project name | Text - enter the project name | No |
ProjectDescription | Additional text field to describe a project | Text | No |
Comment | A free text fields to add any comments to the imported job | Text | No |
JobId | Leave blank
| Leave blank | No |
DepartmentName | Name of the department the job belongs to. If no department exists with this name, then it is created upon import. | Text | No |
Dim1Cd | Name of custom dimension 1 (a reporting parameter) Liaise with your WorkBook Consultant regarding dimensions | Text | No |
Dim1Id | Name of the value for custom dimension 1 Liaise with your WorkBook Consultant regarding dimensions | Text | No |
Dim2Cd | Name of custom dimension 2 (a reporting parameter) Liaise with your WorkBook Consultant regarding dimensions | Text | No |
Dim3Cd | Name of custom dimension 3 (a reporting parameter) Liaise with your WorkBook Consultant regarding dimensions | Text | No |
Dim4Cd | Name of custom dimension 4 (a reporting parameter) Liaise with your WorkBook Consultant regarding dimensions | Text | No |
Dim5Cd | Name of custom dimension 5 (a reporting parameter) Liaise with your WorkBook Consultant regarding dimensions | Text | No |
Dim6Cd | Name of custom dimension 6 (a reporting parameter) Liaise with your WorkBook Consultant regarding dimensions | Text | No |
Dim7Cd | Name of custom dimension 7 (a reporting parameter) Liaise with your WorkBook Consultant regarding dimensions | Text | No |
Dim8Cd | Name of custom dimension 8 (a reporting parameter) Liaise with your WorkBook Consultant regarding dimensions |
| No |
Dim9Cd | Name of custom dimension 9 (a reporting parameter) Liaise with your WorkBook Consultant regarding dimensions | Text | No |
Dim10Cd | Name of custom dimension 10 (a reporting parameter) Liaise with your WorkBook Consultant regarding dimensions | Text | No |
CountryCd | Can be used to specify which country the job takes place in. Leave blank if not used | Text | No |
DivisionCd | Used to assign the division dimension to the job. | Text | No |
RegionCd | Used to assign the region dimension to the job. | Text | No |
PlatformCd | Used to assign the platform dimension to the job. | Text | No |
QualityLevelCd | Used to assign the quality level dimension to the job. | Text | No |
ProfitCenterCd | Used to assign the profit centre dimension to the job. | Text | No |
PracticeAreaCd | Used to assign the practice area dimension to the job. Leave blank if not used | Text | No |
ConsultingCentreCd | Used to assign the consulting centre dimension to the job. Leave blank if not used | Text | No |
TechnologyCd | Used to assign the technology dimension to the job. | Text | No |
RefNum | An optional reference key which can be used to find imported jobs later | Number | No |
JobType | Used to assign the job type to the jobs This job type must already exist in WorkBook | Text | Yes |
IsBillable | Is the job billable? | Number 0 = No 1 = Yes | Yes |
CustOrderNum | Customer purchase order number | Number | No |
ClientContact | You can name a customer contact here | Text | No |
ProductionStatus | Used to assign the production status dimension to the job. Leave blank if not used | Text | No |
PriceList | Name of the price list for this job The price list must exist in WorkBook, so if it’s new you must create it in WorkBook first | Text | Yes |
IsRetainer | Only select yes if using the WorkBook retainer module to manage this job | Number 0 = No 1 = Yes | No |
AccountManager | Code ID of account manager, it’s the same number used in the employee import | Numbers & letters | No |
ProjectRetainerMasterJob | Reconciliation automation • SOW • Retainer • Contact – Master Only select yes if using the WorkBook retainer module to manage this job | Number 0 = No 1 = Yes | No |
ProjectRetainerDeliveryJob | Reconciliation automation • SOW • Retainer • Contact – Delivery Only select yes if using the WorkBook retainer module to manage this job | Number 0 = No 1 = Yes | No |
Tags | Add any Tags associated with the job | Comma separated e.g. HTML,CSS | No |
ClientSegment | Name of the client segment dimension if used. | Name of the value | No |
DeliveryDate | If the Delivery Date is used on a job define here. | Date | No |
NextStepDate | If the Next Step Date is used on a job define here. Leave blank if not used | Date | No |
Product | Name of the product associated with the job if used. | Text | No |
ClientProduct | Name of the client product associated with the job if used. | Text | No |
CostingCode | Name of the costing code associated with the job if used. | Text | No |
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