Price Quotes > Create a Price Quote from a 'Schedule'

Price quotes in WorkBook can be created in a number of ways, a popular method that many agencies use is to copy the job schedule to a price quote.

For more information on how to create a job schedule, please see Create a Schedule


  • In the jobs list > select the job

  • Click on the price icon

  • Click create new button

  • In the create new price quote pop-up box

    • enter a Title

    • in the Copy from field select schedule current job

  • Click ok

  • Select the following:

    • (1) the schedule you wish to copy

    • (2) the copy method according to the level of detail you need to see on the quote and that will best meet the client’s needs

    • (3) uncheck any items from the schedule that you do not want to include on the price quote, i.e. internal tasks

    • (4) any additional configurations

  • Click ok

Once the schedule is copied to the price quote, each will need to be maintained separately, i.e. if allocated resources or booking values on the schedule are changed, these will not automatically update onto the price quote.

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