Implementation > Import Data

Data can be imported into your WorkBook system when an existing importer template is available. When first setting up your WorkBook system, a starting set of data will be imported, including your client information, supplier list, and employee details. To import data successfully it is important to understand the data structures and the format required in the import data sheets.

Things to note:

  • Once your data is imported and a record has been created, all future updates need to be completed in the system, for example, you can’t overwrite existing records with a new import, so it is important to ensure accuracy and consistency prior to uploading.

  • Not all fields are required at import, optional fields can be added to the system manually at a later date as required.


Before you import data, go to:

  • The settings module > global system settings > system variables

  • Select implementation variables > and check that system variable 1154 ‘enable implementation import’ is enabled


  • Staying in the settings module go to:

  • Advanced tools > ad-hoc import

  • Click the ad-hoc import button and search or scroll through the list to select the relevant importer

  • Click ok

Download the latest implementation file templates and see articles on the specific data requirements for implementation here.



  • In the pop-up, drop or choose your complete and formatted file and click ok


  • In the pop-up check test mode and click ok

    • It is important to initially import data in ‘test mode’ and the system will check the files for errors, to allow you to fix them before the final import

    • When errors exist, simply address them in the original file and repeat the steps above to re-upload and check

  • Continue uploading in test mode until no errors are returned


  • Now you are ready to import the final data file

  • Leave test mode unchecked and click ok to import the final file


  • Once your data has been successfully imported, click ok

  • Then navigate to the relevant WorkBook module to view the imported data


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