Implementation > Import Vendor Invoices
When first setting up your WorkBook system, a starting set of data can be imported, including creditor/vendor invoices. To import data successfully it is important to understand the data structures and the format required in the import datasheet.
Things to note:
Data is imported once, so it is important to ensure accuracy and consistency prior to uploading.
Not all fields are required at import, optional fields can be added to the system manually at a later date when/as required.
Download the Purchase Invoice Implementation Import file below.
CompId | The Resource ID of the company the creditor/vendor invoice belongs to. This can be found in the WorkBook resource list If there is only one company in your WorkBook setup, simply use 1 in this field. | Number | Yes |
InvoiceNum | Creditor/Vendor invoice number | Number (may also include letters) | Yes |
CreditorNum | Creditor number used in the creditor import WorkBook Creditor Number can be used in case the Creditor is created manually in WorkBook. Use the number in Finance & Administration > Creditor > Creditor List > Creditor number. | Number & Letter | Yes |
VouchNum | The voucher number to be applied to the creditor invoice | Number (may also include letters) | Yes |
JobNum | Thejob number (if using the WorkBook number) should be formatted as text for the import to work. The job number that the creditor/vendor invoice should be created on. Refer to the Job number used on Job Import. | Text | Yes |
AId | The activity number the costs should be recorded against. Activities are created and managed via the settings module> price lists & activities > activities | Number | Yes |
TaskId | Leave this field blank | Leave blank | No |
RegDate | The date the invoice was received | Date | Yes |
AmountNet | The net amount of the invoice | Number | Yes |
AmountVat | The tax/GST/VAT amount on the invoice | Number | Yes |
AmountSale | Total amount = net amount + tax amount | Number | Yes |
SupplementalDescr | A description to accompany the invoice | Text | No |
InvoiceDate | The date of the invoice | Date | Yes |
PostDate | The posting date of the invoice | Date | Yes |
JournNo | Post number. To include in Finance use 0, to exclude from Finance use -1 Talk to your WorkBook Consultant about what number to use | Number | Yes |
ReqId | Leave this field blank | Leave blank | No |
CurrencyCode | The currency is used on the Invoice. Must use ISO code. E.g. EUR, AUD, SGD, USD, GBP | Text | Yes |
PurchaseOrderNum | The purchase order number the creditor invoice should be linked to | Number | No |
HeaderDescription | A description to accompany the invoice that will be displayed in WorkBook | Text | No |
InvoiceNumFixed | Leave this field blank | Leave blank | No |
SyncStatus | Leave this field blank | Leave blank | No |
Profitmargin | Leave this field blank | Leave blank | No |
ArpVatCd | Leave this field blank | Leave blank | No |
ActVatCd | Leave this field blank | Leave blank | No |
FinanceAccount | A finance override account if required and if the invoice should not follow the usual posting rules determined by the job or activity. | Number | No |
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