Implementation > Import Prospects
Prospects are potential new business customers that you want to work with. You can create CRM pipelines and activities against prospects, but you cannot create a job against a prospect.
When first setting up your WorkBook system, a starting set of data will be imported, which may include your prospect list. To import data successfully it is important to understand the data structures and the format required in the import data sheet.
Things to note:
Data is imported once, so it is important to ensure accuracy and consistency prior to uploading.
Not all fields are required at import, optional fields can be added to the system manually at a later date when/as required.
Download the latest prospect import file below.
SubjectNum | Prospect number: A unique code used to identify each prospect. | Number and/or text E.g. 101, 102, 103 etc | Yes |
SubjectName | Prospect name: The name of the prospective company. | Text | Yes |
AdrLine1 | Address Line 1 | Text | No |
AdrLine2 | Address Line 2 | Text | No |
Postcode | The postal code of the prospect | Number and/or text | No |
City | City | Text | No |
CountryCode | The country code of your prospect. Must use ISO code. E.g. AU, DE, DK, HK, NZ, SG, UK, US, NL Reach out to your WorkBook consultant for the country code that you want to use here. | Text
| No |
Tel | Telephone number: Head office or main business contact number. | Number | No |
Fax | Fax number: Head office or main business fax number. | Number | No |
wwwAdr | Website: Prospect’s URL for reference. | Text | No |
CountryStateCd | Prospect’s State. U.S. or Canada companies only. | Text E.g. CA, FL, NY, NJ etc | No |
CountryCountyCd | Prospect’s County U.S. or Canada companies only. | Text E.g. Benton, Carlton, Dorchester, etc. | No |
Head office or main business email address | Text | No | |
Business | If the Business dimension is in use, you can define the Business type of this prospect. Reach out to your WorkBook consultant if you are not sure what to enter here. | Text | No |
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