Price Quotes > Create a Price Quote from 'an Invoice'

Price quotes in WorkBook can be created in a number of ways, one method is to copy an invoice to the quote. This is useful if, for instance, you have recently invoiced a time and materials job and want project actuals to help inform and scope a similar job.


  • In the Jobs list > select the job

  • Click on the Price icon

  • Click create new button

  • In the create new price quote pop-up box

    • enter a title

    • in the copy from field select an invoice

  • Click OK

  • Use the Search and/or Client fields to find the invoice you wish to copy

  • From the list, select the invoice and choose your copy options from the right-hand sidebar with the details you want to copy onto your new price quote

    • Header data

    • Phases & Lines

    • Comments

  • Add any additional configurations

    • For example, if selecting an invoice from a client with a different price list/rate card, you would want to check update prices to match the current price list to ensure that client agreed rates are used

  • Click OK

  • The selected invoice will be copied to the quote according to the copy options and additional configurations

  • Go to the Lines tab to review the quote

  • From here you can edit, add or delete line items as necessary

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