Implementation > Import Employees
When first setting up your WorkBook system, a starting set of data will be imported, including your employee information. To import data successfully it is important to understand the data structures and the format required in the import data sheet.
Things to note:
Data is imported once, so it is important to ensure accuracy and consistency prior to uploading.
Not all fields are required at import, optional fields can be added to the system manually at a later date when/as required.
Download the employee import file here.
The employee resource card holds all information about individual WorkBook users, including but not limited to, the employee’s login details, position, department, license type, access role, default activity, client access, billable target, cost and sales rates, capacity profiles, leave and absences etc.
CompId | Company number: The company ID that the employee belongs to. | Number If there is only one company in your WorkBook setup, simply use '1' in this field. | Yes |
EmpNum | Employee Number: A unique code used to identify each individual employee (referenced in this import). Upon running the import, WorkBook will generate a new unique ID for each employee and keep this data as an “External Code” which will be needed later in other imports (e.g. clients and suppliers where an employee responsible needs to be set). | Numbers & Letters E.g. 101, 102, 103 etc | Yes |
EmpName | Employee Name: The employee’s first and last name. | Text E.g. Jack McGregor | Yes |
EmpIni | Employee Initials: This field will be used when tagging users in the system, e.g. when adding them to a conversation, so it is recommended to choose a combination that users will easily recognise. | Text E.g. First name and the initial of their last name, JACKM; TIMB; RUBYJ | Yes |
AdrLine1 | Address Line 1: Used when importing full employee details. This information is not required at import and can be added to the system later if required. | Text | No |
AdrLine2 | Address Line 2 | Text | No |
Postcode | Postcode | Number (can also include letters) | No |
City | City | Text | No |
CountryCode | Country Code: WorkBook assigns a two-letter code to each country. Check with your WorkBook consultant if your country code is not referenced here. | Text E.g. AU, DE, DK, HK, NZ, SG, UK, US etc. | Yes |
Tel | Telephone number | Number | No |
Mobile | Mobile number | Number | No |
Employee’s email address: Email address will form part of the employee’s login details and notifications will be sent here. | Text E.g | Yes | |
EmployDate | Date employed from: You can import all employee’s with the same date. Recommended to use your WorkBook go live date. | Date E.g. your local date format xx/xx/yy | Yes |
ExpiryDate | End of employment date: A standard field on each employee record. This is not required for import, this field is used to manage inactive employee records. | Date E.g. your local date format xx/xx/yy | No |
IsActive | Is the employee active?: Most employees will be active on import, with the exception of a user that has a start date after go live. | Number 0 = No | Yes |
EmpAId | Employee activity ID: Every employee in WorkBook must be assigned a default activity code. E.g. Account Manager - 11000. Check your activities import sheet for the ID number. Value must reference an activity ID that already exists in your system. Activities are created and managed via Settings > Price lists & activities > Activities. | Number E.g. 11000, 11001, 11002 etc | Yes |
AccessTypeId | License type: Each user is assigned a license type on import. These must align with the number and types of licenses in your contract. | Number 1 = System administrator | Yes |
ApplicationAccessRole | User access role: Include the name of the desired access role, or leave blank and assign to employee profile post import. Value must reference an access role that already exists in your system. Access roles are created and managed via Settings > Advanced tools > User access rights. | Text E.g. Project Manager, Project Manager + Create Client etc | No |
Cost | Hourly cost rate: The employee’s cost to the business per hour. This is usually a blended rate according to their role. | Number E.g. 110.50 | Yes |
Sale | Hourly sales rate: The employee’s standard charge out rate per hour. | Number E.g. 250.00 | Yes |
ProfitTarget | Billable target %: The employee’s weekly billable hours target as a percentage. | Percentage E.g. 85% | No, but recommended |
EmpPosition | Employee position: The employee’s position or role. Value must reference a position that already exists in your system. Positions are created and managed via Settings > Employee settings > Positions. | Text E.g. Developer; Producer; Designer etc | Yes |
DateOfBirth | Date of birth | Date E.g. your local date format xx/xx/yy | No |
SEX | Gender of employee | Number 1 = Male | No |
UserLogin | Login name: You can decide the format, however it is recommended to use the employee’s email address for ease. | Text E.g. | No, but recommended |
UserPW | WorkBook password: The system can generate a unique password when the employee first logs in. | Leave blank | No |
PublicNum | External personal number: Field can be used to reference a unique external code. | Number and/or text | No |
LCID | Language: Each employee profile is assigned a default language. WorkBook assigns a four-digit code to available languages. Check with your WorkBook consultant if your desired language is not referenced here. | Number 1030 = Danish | Yes |
ResId | Please leave this field blank, it is completed automatically on import. | Leave blank | No |
CountryStateCd | User’s State: Used for US businesses only. | Text E.g. CA, FL, NY, NJ etc | No |
CountryCountyId | User’s County: Used for US businesses only. | Text E.g. Benton, Carlton, Dorchester etc | No |
Department | Department: The department the employee sits in. A user can only belong to one department. Value must reference a department that exists in your system. Departments are created and managed via Settings > Company settings > Departments. | Text E.g. Client Services, Creative, Strategy etc | No, but recommended |
EmployeeManager | Employee manager: Assign each employee a line manager. This field is used in approval workflows. Include the employee number (Empnum) of the desired manager. Add WB# to the front of the employee number | Number E.g. WB#101, WB#109, WB#121 etc | Yes |
TimeSheetApprover | Time sheet approver: Used to assign each employee a time sheet approver. Include the employee number (Empnum) of the desired time sheet approver or leave blank to determine post import. | Number E.g. 101, 109, 121 etc | No |
ReportProfile | Report profile: Determines which reports a user can access and is usually aligned to their license type. Default report profiles are ‘Advanced’ and ‘Basic’, speak to your Consultant if you require additional report profiles. | Text Advanced user | No |
Substitute | Substitute employee: Used to assign each user a substitute employee. Notifications and approvals will be diverted to the assigned substitute employee when the user is on leave. Include the employee name of the desired substitute or leave blank to determine post import. | Text E.g. Ruby Jones | No |
Capacitydate | Capacity start date: The date the user’s capacity should start from. This would usually be the same as the employee’s start date. | Date E.g. your local date format xx/xx/yy | Yes |
Skills | Employee’s skills: Can be used to add skills against employee profiles, for instance coding languages for developers. | Text, separated by commas E.g. PHP, CSS, HTML5 etc | No |
JobTeam | Job team: The team/s the employee belongs to. A user can belong to multiple teams. Value must reference a team that already exists in your system. Teams are created and managed via Settings > Employee settings > Teams. | Text, separated by commas E.g. Creative, Delivery, New Business etc | No |
AccessRoleName | N/A: Leave blank | N/A | No |
TrafficManager | Traffic manager: Used to assign employee’s a traffic manager. This role is used in resource approval workflows. Include either the name, email address or employee number (Empnum) of the desired traffic manager. Leave blank if not using or to determine post import. | Number or text
| No |
EmploymentType | Employment type: Used to confirm the employment type of user. | Number 1 = Permanent basis | No |
WeekendType | Weekend type: Used to determine the days that are considered the weekend in your business. | Number 1 = Saturday and Sunday | No |
Firstdayofweek | First weekday: Used to determine the relevant first day of the working week in your business. | Number 1 = Monday | No |
Holidaycalendar | Holiday calendar: Assign each employee a holiday calendar. Holiday calendars include national/public/bank holidays according to your country. Value must reference a holiday calendar that already exists in your system. Leave blank to create and assign post import. Holiday calendars are created and managed via Settings > Company settings > Holidays and absence > Holiday calendars. | Text Calendar name, e.g. NSW Public Holidays | No |
HolidayCalculation | Holiday calculation: Determines how the user’s holiday is calculated.
| Number 1 = Average defined on employee holiday period | No |
Full Client Access | Client access: Determines if a user should, by default, have access to all clients in the system. If ‘yes’, when a new client is created in the system these users will be granted access. | Number 0 = No | No |
User Must Enter Time Sheet | Time sheet requirement: Determines if the user is required to complete timesheets in WorkBook. | Number 0 = No | No |
Receive Time Sheet Notification Email | Time sheet notifications: Determines if a user will receive reminder notifications. | Number 0 = No | No |
Time Entry Dialogue to appear upon Login | Time sheet user compliance: Prevents user from progressing in WorkBook until their time sheets have been completed. | Number 0 = No | No |
Allow User to create TAG | Create tags: Determines if a user has the ability to create tags in WorkBook. | Number 0 = No | No |
Allow User to Create new Skills | Create skills: Determines if a user has the ability to create skills in WorkBook. | Number 0 = No | No |
Allow saving of new job based templates | Save templates: Determines if a user has the ability to save templates for quotes, timelines etc. | Number 0 = No | No |
Is LDAP user | LDAP user: If your business is set-up for LDAP (or similar authentication app), this field determines if user is required to login with LDAP credentials. | Number 0 = No | No |
LDAP Domain Login | LDAP domain login: Include if relevant to your authentication app. | Text | No |
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