Implementation > Import Activities & Price Lists
When first setting up your WorkBook system, you will be asked to create a list of activities that relate to the items that you sell to clients and usually appear on your rate cards (price lists).
An activity in WorkBook is a role, cost type, or the type of work you are charging clients for, i.e. Designer, Account Manager, Developer, Printing, Travel, etc. Activities are used in time entry or cost entry to indicate the type of work performed (each employee has a single default activity) AND for creating price quotes and invoices (every line item on a price list, price quote and invoice must be linked to an activity).
Activities are global and must be aligned across all companies. Internal cost rates are global and sit against each activity. External sales rates or mark-ups are created via price lists, you can create multiple price lists and assign as required to different clients or jobs.
Time based activities have an internal hourly cost and an external hourly sales rate assigned to it which in turn informs the net margin.
Purchase or third party activities are used on supplier invoices and purchase orders, a mark-up can be added by default to individual activities on price lists or manually when included on a job.
Note, that activities and price lists are not imported, your consultant will create these in your system according to the information provided in the spreadsheet below.
Download the activities & price list file here. Please delete the example rows highlighted in yellow.
Activity Type | There are three types of activities: Time: Employees are assigned a single default activity for time entry, i.e. Designer | Text Time | Yes |
Purchases: Products or services that you purchase and on-sell to the client, i.e. printing | Text Purchases | Yes | |
Materials: Products or services that you have purchased up-front and want to on-sell a portion of the total cost to the client, i.e. stock images Chat to your consultant if thinking about using materials as you will need a process to manage them. | Text Materials | If relevant | |
Activity Name | Give each activity a name that is meaningful in your business. Users will select activities and add to price quotes, invoices and purchase orders. Streamline activities where possible, for example Creative Services Manager and Creative Services Lead is the same role, price per client and person, this should be one activity. | Text E.g. Account Executive | Yes |
Activity Phase | Used to group activities together for reporting. For example, activities Account Executive, Account Manager, Senior Account Manager and Group Account Director could all be grouped into activity phase ‘Client Services’. | Text E.g. Creative, Finance, Client Services, Development etc | Yes |
Cost | Time: Average cost per hour to the agency, usually a blended rate. | Number | Yes |
Purchases: Leave blank | Number | No | |
Materials: Leave blank | Number | No | |
Default Rate Card | Row 1: This is your default rate card, give it a name that users will easily recognise when selecting (this is how it will appear throughout the system). | Text E.g. Default Rate Card | Yes |
Row 2: Confirm the currency of the rate card. | Text E.g. AUD, USD, NZD, EUR, GBP etc | Yes | |
Rows 3+: The sales rate you are charging the client for each activity on your default rate card.
| Number E.g. 250.00 | Yes | |
Additional Rate Cards | Row 1: Give each additional price list/rate card a unique name that users will easily recognise when selecting (this is how it will appear throughout the system). You can have as many price lists as required. Please add as many columns as needed. | Text E.g. Coca Cola Rate Card; Discounted Rate Card; USD Rate Card etc | No |
Row 2: Confirm the currency of the rate card. | Text E.g. AUD, USD, NZD, EUR, GBP etc | No | |
Rows 3+: The sales rate you are charging the client for each activity on the rate card.
| Number E.g. 220.00 | No |
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