Employee Settings > Employee Creditor Mapping
In order to create an expense entry in WorkBook, an employee is required to have at least one employee creditor linked to their profile.
Usually, it is recommended to configure the WorkBook system so that the employee creditor will be created and mapped automatically in the relevant company upon adding a new employee profile.
Controlled by system variable 694 - Automatically create employee as creditor.
There are scenarios where you will need to do the mapping manually:
The system variable 694 mentioned above is set to “No Automation”.
A new company has been set up and the existing employee is required to register expenses within that new company
The employee needs to submit expenses on behalf of another employee
The employee uses the company credit card to pay for expenses
To map the employee creditor to an employee, you will need access to the Settings module > Employee Settings > Employee Creditor Mappings.
Please reach out to your WorkBook system administrator or your Consultant if you cannot access the module/menu.
Locate the menu employee creditor mapping and click on the icon to add a new entry
From the pop-up window:
Employee: Select the employee that you want to map to the employee creditor
Company: select the company that has the employee creditor you want to map this employee to
Create a new creditor based on selected employee and company (radio button): select this option if you have not created the employee creditor and want the system to create a new one based on the employee information
Map selected employee to an existing creditor (radio button): select this option if you want to map the employee to an existing employee creditor e.g. the creditor of another employee or a credit card
By selecting this option, the next field creditor will be enabled to allow you to select the relevant employee creditor from the selected company
Enable on expense entry (checkbox): to allow/not allow using this employee creditor on an expense entry
Enable on mileage entry (checkbox): to allow/not allow using this employee creditor on the mileage entry
Enable on subsistence allowance (checkbox): to allow/not allow using this employee creditor for subsistence allowance
Show account in personal expense status grid (checkbox): to show/not show the information in the expense status menu. (tasks module > personal information > personal expense status)
Click ok to confirm and finish the mapping process
Repeat the steps above if you want to map the employee to other employee creditors
This allows the employee to be able to select a different creditor when entering expense entry for the relevant scenarios.
To delete an existing mapping entry, from the mapping list, select the mapping line that you want to delete, then:
Click on the icon to delete the creditor mapping
A system message will pop up to confirm the action > click yes to confirm or no to cancel the action
Click on the icon to delete the creditor mapping AND remove the creditor on open expense entries
A system message will pop up to confirm the action > click yes to confirm or no to cancel the action
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