Export, Import & Maintenance > Credit Card Mapping

Export, Import & Maintenance > Credit Card Mapping

Workbook has an import setup to enable you to send individual credit card transactions to individuals for updating details and attaching receipts. This article shows you how to set up your credit cards and assign a reconciler to the credit card.

Before you starting importing & reconciling credit card transactions a bit of set up is required.

The credit card mapping happens in the finance & administration and settings modules and is usually managed by designated role(s) or person(s) within each agency or office.



Make sure you have a creditor set-up for your credit card. You can have an overall credit card creditor or you can specify each card used. Having a creditor per card may make reviewing credit card transactions simpler.

To create a creditor you will need access to the finance & administration module.



Before an employee can reconcile the credit card transaction they will need access to the credit card creditor you have set up in the previous step.

You will need access to the settings module for this step.

  • Go to settings module > employee settings > employee creditor mappings


  • Click the create creditor mapping button > and complete the following details:

    • Select the employee who is reconciling the credit card

    • Select the company in which you are setting up the credit card import

    • Select the creditor which you created in the first step

    • Untick:

      • Enable on expense entry

      • Enable on mileage entry

      • Enable on subsistence allowance

    • Tick:

      • Show account in personal expense grid

  • Click ok


  • Find the new mapping you just created and tick the following check boxes:

    • Enable on expense entry

    • Only enable for imported expense entries

    • Show account in personal expense status grid


You can set up multiple creditor mappings per employee. This is useful if the reconciler is in charge of multiple credit cards.



Now you need to setup the credit card mapping. When you import the credit card statement, these details will be used to default each transaction to the correct reconciler.

You will need access to the finance & administration module to complete this step.

  • Go to finance & administration module > export, import & maintenance sub menu >

  • Select personal expense credit card import > go to the non-mapped cards tab


  • Click the create button > and complete the details outlined in the table below






Card number

On your credit card statement, there will be a field that identifies which credit card the transaction relates to. This needs to match the statement exactly. This is how Workbook identifies who will be the reconciler against the entries for this card.

Card name

The name on the card (this does not need to match exactly).


The owner of the card (this does not need to match exactly).


This is the name of the reconciler for the credit card (which you set up through Employee Creditor Mappings in the previous step).

Creditor account

Select the creditor account which this relates to.


Internal purposes only - use this to easily identify a card or make notes about it.


  • Your entries should look like this:



Answer A

Answer B


Answer A

Answer B

Is the creditor account empty in Add personal expense Mapped card?

Make sure you’re in the right company

Check the creditor card - is “is empoyee creditor” unticked?

You find it under creditors → find the creditor in question → creditor settings → payment proposal settings





Now that you’ve set-up the creditor and the credit card mapping, you can complete your import using these instructions: Export, Import & Maintenance > Personal Expense Credit Card Import


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