Dimensions Summary

Dimensions can be used throughout WorkBook to group, filter, and tag data for reporting purposes and can be accessed via the settings module.

There are two types of dimensions in WorkBook:

  1. Fixed - these are the default dimensions that come standard with WorkBook

  2. User-Defined - the ability to create your own dimensions based on your company’s reporting requirements

The menu contains multiple sub-menus:

  • Client Groups

  • Client Segments

  • Consulting Center

  • Dimension Detail Role Setup

  • Dimension Role Setup

  • Dimension Setup

  • Divisions

  • Job Types

  • Platforms

  • Practice Area

  • Profit Centre/Department

  • Quality Level

  • Regions

  • Technology

To use dimensions, you need to have access to settings that is set up under employee cross-company access, and be an advanced user with the appropriate access rights.

Please contact your WorkBook administrator if you can’t see this menu. System Administrators have access to this menu by default.

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