Implementation > Import Sales Invoices
When first setting up your WorkBook system, a starting set of data can be imported, including sales invoices. To import data successfully it is important to understand the data structures and the format required in the import data sheet.
Things to note:
Data is imported once, so it is important to ensure accuracy and consistency prior to uploading.
Not all fields are required at import, optional fields can be added to the system manually at a later date when/as required.
The sales invoice cannot be deleted/edited after it’s imported
Download the Sales Invoices import file below.
CompId | The Resource ID of the company that the job belongs to. This can be found in the WorkBook resource list.
| Number | Yes |
InvNum | Invoice number | Number (may include letters) | Yes |
CustNum | Use the unique code that you used for the customers in the customer import. This is how we know which customer the invoice applies to | Number & Letters | Yes |
| The Job number can be the WorkBook job number, or if you imported a list of WorkBook jobs, it can be the job number imported into the ref key. If using the WorkBook job number the field should be stored as text. The job number that the invoice should be created on. Refer to the Job number used on Job Import. | Text Number & Letters | Yes |
InvDate | Date of the invoice | Date | Yes |
InvType | What type of invoice is being created? Only the options below can be used. 1 = Final Invoice | Number | Yes |
AId | The activity number this invoice is connected to Activities are created and managed via the settings module> price lists & activities > activities | Number | Yes |
AmountNet | Net amount on the invoice. | Number | Yes |
AmountVat | Tax (VAT/GST) amount on the invoice | Number | Yes |
AmountTotal | Total amount on the invoice including Tax | Number | Yes |
Comment | Free text field for the “Final comments” on your invoice header | Text | No |
PostDate | Financial posting date of the invoice | Date | Yes |
LineDesc | Invoice line description | Text | No |
PayTerm | Payment term code, you can use the Code or the Call name found in settings > company settings > payment terms | Text | Yes |
TaxCodeID | Tax code ID | Number | No |
TaxCodeAmount | Tax amount | Number | No |
TaxCodeRate | Tax rate in percentages divided by 100 e.g. 0.1 = 10% | Number | No |
CustomerPurchaseOrderNum | If the invoice needs to display a client purchase order number, this is where you put it | Number (may include letters) | No |
CurrencyCD | The currency is used on the Invoice. Must use ISO code. E.g. EUR, AUD, SGD, USD, GBP | Text | No |
JournNo | Post number. To include in Finance use 0, to exclude from Finance use -1 | Number | Yes |
OptionalDebtorNum | Number | No | |
OptionalPhaseNum | Number | No | |
OptionalPhaseName | Text | No | |
OptionalLineNum | Number | No | |
OptionalHours | Number | No | |
OptionalHoursCostRate | Number | No | |
OptionalHoursSalesRate | Number | No | |
OptionalMaterialSale | Number | No | |
OptionalExternalCostProfit | Number | No | |
OptionalExternalCost | Number | No | |
OptionalExtraSale | Number | No | |
OptionalDiscount | Number | No | |
Internal |
| No | |
PaymentStatusForSystemsWithoutFinance |
| No |
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