Implementation > Import Finance Chart of Accounts
When first setting up your WorkBook system, a starting set of data will be imported, including your Finance Chart of Accounts information. To import data successfully it is important to understand the data structures and the format required in the import data sheet.
Things to note:
Data is imported once, so it is important to ensure accuracy and consistency prior to uploading.
Not all fields are required at import, optional fields can be added to the system manually at a later date when/as required.
Download the Chart of Accounts import file below.
CompId | The Resource ID of the company the CoA should be added to | Number | Yes |
AccNo | Account number, must be unique for each company | Number (May include letters but this is not recommended) | Yes |
AccType | The type of finance account
| Number. Only options below are allowed: 0 = Operating account (P/L) 1 = Balance sheet account (BS) 2 = Header 3 = Sum from account (option 3 is used in combination with column “SumFromAccNo”) | Yes |
AccDesc | Account description | Text | Yes |
SumFromAccNo | Select the account number that will be summed from and down to this line (usually the account with type is set Header will be selected in here). This shows the sub-total for a group of accounts for reference purpose. | Number (May include letters but this is not recommended) | Only if the AccType is set to option: “3 - Sum from account” |
ReportPageBreak | Inserts a page break after this account on certain finance reports
| Number Only options below are allowed: 1 = Create page break 0 = Do not create page break. | No |
ReportIndentation | Indents the account description in the chart of accounts view and certain reports
| Number Only options below are allowed: 0 = Do not indent the account. 1 = Indent by 1 space 2 = Indent by 2 spaces 3 = Indent by 3 spaces … and so on. | No |
ReportLineFeed | Creates a number of empty lines after this account on certain reports | Number | No |
LineNum | The sort order of the account on the chart of accounts view. | Number | Yes |
LineStyle | Adds a style to the account that will be used on certain finance reports
| Number Only options below are allowed: 0 = No style | No |
AllowVendInv | Allows the account to be used when registering a vendor/creditor invoice | Number Only options below are allowed: 1 = Allowed | Yes |
Automatic | To mark an account as a system account so that it cannot be used in a manual journal entry, such as Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, VAT/GST/tax accounts, etc.
| Number Only options below are allowed: 0 = is NOT system account | Yes |
ExternalReference | An external reference number for the account if it is required to map with another finance system. This is usually used when there is an integration between WorkBook and another finance system | Number and Text | No |
Code1 | Custom code used for reporting or grouping accounts; this may also be used for integration purposes | Number and Text | No |
Code2 | Custom code used for reporting or grouping accounts; this may also be used for integration purposes | Number and Text | No |
Code3 | Custom code used for reporting or grouping accounts; this may also be used for integration purposes | Number and Text | No |
Code4 | Custom code used for reporting or grouping accounts; this may also be used for integration purposes | Number and Text | No |
Code5 | Custom code used for reporting or grouping accounts; this may also be used for integration purposes | Number and Text | No |
Once you have completed the data sheet, go to:
Settings module > advanced tools > ad-hoc import
Click on the “ad-hoc import” button
From the pop-up window, search for and select the ad-hoc import option called: “FinanceChartOfAccountImplementationImport” > click ok
In the next window, drag & drop the data file in the box to upload or click on choose file to locate and select the file for uploading
Click ok to confirm the selected file and start uploading
In the next window:
Remove_Existing_Finance_Accounts: input either 1 or 0 to start the import
0 - if you want to KEEP the current COA and load in the new accounts in addition to the existing COA
1 - if you want to DELETE all existing accounts in the current COA and load in the entirely new COA
2 - if you want to DELETE the existing accounts but KEEP those accounts that are currently used in the configuration.
TestMode: select this checkbox to check for any errors in the data file you have selected.
Click ok to open the TestMode view (if the checkbox is selected)
The screenshot below shows an example of an error has been found in TestMode
In this case, we need to cancel the import and go back to update the data file in order to proceed forward. After editing the error data, we will need to upload the new file and repeat the steps above from beginning.
When there is no error in the TestMode, you can proceed with the import by:
Closing down the TestMode window
Remove the TestMode checkbox in previous window
Click ok to start the import
Upon successful execution, a pop-up a message will inform you that the import has been completed
Click on ok to acknowledge the message from the system
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