Revenue Forecast > Viewers

In Workbook you can add “viewers” to a specific revenue forecast, so they can view the forecast once it’s published.

Viewers have read only access, they cannot edit the forecast.


There are two ways to add viewers to a revenue forecast:

Automatically Add Viewers

  • To add a viewer automatically this is done via the settings module > finance > revenue forecast methods and is part of the revenue forecast configuration process


For more information on the RF configuration go to:-


Manually Add Viewers

To add viewers manually to a revenue forecast go to:

  • The finance & administration module > general ledger > revenue forecast

  • Select the forecast you wish to add a viewer/s to


For each job within the revenue forecast you can add viewers by going to:

  • Selecting the client > then select the job responsible tab

  • Select the job > click the edit icon (pencil)


  • Search for the resource you wish to add as a viewer

  • Select the resource > click the + icon


  • You can add as many viewers as you wish

  • Once you have selected all the viewers > click ok


  • Repeat the process in the pipeline responsible tab (if applicable)



If you wish to remove a viewer:

  • Select the forecast you remove the viewer from

  • Select the client > then select the job responsible tab

  • Select the job > click the edit icon (pencil)

  • Select the resource you wish to remove > click the x icon

  • Click ok


There is no confirmation for this action, WorkBook removes the resource immediately


In order for viewers to see the revenue forecast, you will need to publish it.

  • Select the revenue forecast you wish to publish > go to revenue forecast options menu


  • Select Publish / Unpublish


  • If you wish to unpublish a revenue forecast, repeat the steps above


To view a revenue forecast as a “viewer” go to:

  • The tasks module > follow up


  • Scroll down to revenue forecast > and select the revenue forecast you wish to view from the drop down


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