Revenue Forecast > Create a Net Revenue Forecast
The net revenue forecast is created from the finance & administration module > GL > net revenue forecast. The creation of a net revenue forecast is usually managed by finance or operations, depending on your agency process.
In the finance & administration module > general ledger > revenue forecast
Click on the new revenue forecast icon
Complete the create new revenue forecast pop-up
Title | The name of the revenue forecast - we recommend something useful for example, the forecast period w/c DD/MM/YY |
Method | Select the appropriate forecast method from the drop down - this will determine how the NRF is populated For more information: Revenue Forecast > Configuration |
Per Date | This is the date the forecast will be run from. Actuals will populate all previous months within the financial year and forecast amount will populate in all future months (to job end date) |
Only Actual | If this is checked it will populate the actualised revenue results only Useful when looking back at a financial year |
Months | Allows you to extend the number of months you are forecasting revenue against |
Companies | Allows you to select other companies within WorkBook in order to consolidate the forecast from multiple companies into one |
Currency | Allows you to change the forecast currency |
Copy manual edits from | Allows you to select a prior revenue forecast (with the same settings), to copy any manual edits across to the new revenue forecast |
Click ok
Once created, WorkBook gives the forecast:
A unique ID number
Adds RF as a prefix to the title
Adds date created and creator as the suffix
This menu gives you access to functionality such as adding a budget for comparison, publishing the revenue forecast to viewers and sending the revenue forecast to the responsible users to review, edit and approve.
Here is a brief synopsis of what each menu item can do.
Update entire revenue forecast | Recalculate values according to the RF settings, based upon the latest data available |
Recalculate the forecast budgets | |
Recalculate the inter-company values | |
Publish/Unpublish | Publish an RF to viewers |
Mark as active/inactive | Mark an RF as active or inactive Useful for filtering your NRF list |
Delete current revenue forecast | Delete a forecast |
Add a budget to the selected forecast | Manage budgets against a forecast for the purpose of comparing actuals and forecast revenue against the client targets |
Remove a budget from the selected forecast | |
Review Actions | Send the RF records for review by the people responsible |
You can add a budget to the revenue forecast by:
Clicking on the revenue forecast options menu > and selecting add a budget to the selected forecast
Select your budget
Click ok
The budget will be displayed in the final column of the revenue forecast
To get more information about where the forecast numbers come from:
Hover over any client forecast cell
Colour Coding
Colour coding is a quick way to identify how the forecast is tracking against the budget
Green and yellow indicates whether the numbers are coming from jobs or pipeline records
Blue indicates the difference between budget and forecast
In this example, we’re looking at the total for this client:
Total yearly budget for this client is $77,000
The difference tells us at this point in time, we’re set to miss the budget by $21,050
You can remove a budget from the NRF by:
Clicking on the net revenue forecast options menu > and selecting remove a budget from the selected forecast
Select your budget
Click ok
There are a few ways to recalculate your net revenue forecast to include the latest information.
Option 1: Update Entire NRF
Clicking on the net revenue forecast options menu > and selecting update entire net revenue forecast
You can then choose to:
Update and recalculate everything on the NRF or…
Keep any manually edited values that have been added to the NRF so far, and update everything else
Option 2: Recalculate the Forecast Budgets
Clicking on the net revenue forecast options menu > and selecting recalculate the forecast budgets
In the example below the previous budget was $60,000
Once the budget has been recalculated, the NRF budget has been updated to $70,000
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Revenue Forecast > Create a Net Revenue Forecast (Deltek WorkBook)
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