Dimensions > Job Types

Dimensions can be used throughout WorkBook to group, filter, and tag data for reporting purposes.

The job type dimension is assigned to jobs at job creation for job reporting purposes. It also enables you to default price quote, brief and schedule templates, and specify checklists based on the job type selected.

To setup job types, you need to have access to settings that is set up under employee cross-company access, and be an advanced user with the appropriate access rights.

Please contact your WorkBook administrator if you can’t see this menu. System Administrators have access to this menu by default.


Job types are created in the settings module.

  • Go to settings > dimensions sub-menu > select job types

  • Click the add button image-20240403-072815.png

  • In the dialogue box, enter the job type name > click ok



  • Staying in the settings module > dimensions sub-menu > job types

  • Select the job type you wish to activate > check the active box



You can set defaults against a job type so, when a job is created, and that job type is selected, WorkBook will automatically add those defaults to the job.

Defaults you can set against a job type include:

  • Price quote template - default price quote template to set against the job type

  • Briefing template - default brief template to set against the job type

  • Schedule template - default schedule template to set against the job type

  • Copy method - method used to copy the schedule template

  • Schedule start date - date you want your schedule/timeline to start

  • Description check list - this column is no longer in use and is being retired by Deltek

  • External number - a reference number that can be used for mapping the job types with a similar setup in another system for reference or integration purposes

To set these defaults:

  • Go to the settings module > dimensions sub-menu > select job types


  • Select the job type you wish to apply a default template/s to > go to the appropriate field i.e. price quote template, briefing template, schedule template

  • From the drop down > select the template

Price quote, briefing and schedule templates must be set up in advance.


  • Select the job type you wish to apply the schedule copy method to > go to the copy method field

  • From the drop down, select the copy method


  • Select the job type you wish to apply the schedule copy method to > go to the schedule start date field

  • From the drop down, select the start date method


  • Select the job type you wish to apply the external number to > click in the external number field > and type the external number


The job type details submodule can be used for extra categorisation.

  • Go to the settings module > dimensions sub-menu > select job types

  • Select the job type to which you want to add a job type detail > then, on the toolbar located in the middle grid > click the add button

  • Check the active box to make the line item active

  • You can edit the index, subject and description fields by double-clicking on the corresponding field

  • Click the add button again to add additional lines

If using the description sub module in WorkBook, you can add these job type details by going to:

  • Jobs module > description sub menu > create new button

  • Select the job type from the drop down > click ok

  • The job type details will then be added to the job description


  • Go to the settings module > dimensions sub-menu > select job types

  • Select the job type you wish to delete > click the delete button image-20240403-073008.png

You cannot delete a job type that is actively in use. You should set the status into inactive instead by deselecting the active checkbox.

  • In the pop-up, click yes


Go to the settings module > dimensions sub-menu > select job types

  • Select the job type you wish to merge > click the merge button image-20240403-073124.png

  • In the merge job type to another job type pop-up select:

    • the job type to merge, and

    • the job type to merge into

  • Click ok

  • In the example above, the job type TVC has been merged into the job type Integrated Production

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