What to do if a Price List is updated on your Job

Sometimes while working on a job, the price list/rate card applied to the job may be changed or updated.

This could be for a number of reasons e.g. the wrong price list/rate card was selected at job opening, activities on the price list/rate card were added or updated etc.

If this happens, it is very important to refresh the data on your job to reflect the correct new or updated price list/rate card.



In order to make any changes to the price quote, the price quote status will need to be set to 'under preparation'.

If your price quote has already been ‘externally approved' by the client, you will need to either leave the price quote as is as it’s already been signed off at the original price, or create a new price quote for the client with the updated rates.

  • In the jobs module > jobs list > select the job that needs updating

  • Go to the price sub menu > change the price quote status to ‘under preparation’

  • Go to the lines tab > click the ‘update the prices according to the job’s price list’ icon

  • In the pop-up select the values that need to be updated

  • Click ok

  • Your price list values should now be updated in line with the job’s price list/rate card

  • Once you are happy with your price quote, you can follow your agency’s approval process


If you have a schedule/timeline on the job and have assigned resources, you will also need to update the values according to the new/updated price list.

  • In the jobs module > jobs list > select the job that needs updating

  • Go to the task sub menu > tasks tab

  • Click the ‘update task data’ icon > select ‘update prices to match current job price list’

This can also be done via the Grid view if that is your preference.

Sometimes the values can take a while to refresh.


If there are time entries on your job that have been registered with the wrong values, you will need to update these as well.

  • Go to the jobs module > jobs list

  • Select the job that needs updating > click the costs sub menu

  • Go to the hours tab > and open the hamburger menu

  • Select update cost & sale prices

  • Complete the following details:

    • Date range - the date range of the time entries that need updating

    • Update cost price - check this box if you wish to update the cost price (hourly cost to agency)

    • Update sales price - check this box if you wish to update the sales price

    • Update unapproved entries - check this box to update time entries that have yet to be approved (status 10 or status 20)

    • Update approved entries - check this box to update time entries that have been approved (status 40)

    • Update journalised entries - check this box to update time entries that have been posted & journalised (status 60)

    • Skip records where update is not allowed - check this box to skip the records where an update is not allowed

    • Transaction date - only add a date here if you need to change the date of the time entries as well as the cost/sale price. To keep the original date of the time entries leave this field blank

    • Employee - choose the employee you need to update the time entries for

    • Activity - choose the activity you need to update the time entries for

  • Click ok


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