Price Lists > Mass Update of Price List

A price list is made up of activities (cost types) which define hourly rates for timesheets, price quotes and invoices, and the suggested profit margin on purchases.

The mass update feature is a way to update the price of all activities on a price list in one go.

Using this feature will impact the current price list and current jobs ‘in progress’. If this price list should only apply to newly created jobs, it is recommended to create a new price list.


  • Go to the settings module > price lists & activities > select price lists 

  • In the list tab > select the price list you wish to update


  • Go to the price list setup tab > click the mass update of price list button


  • In the pop-up box complete the following:

    • Valid from - the date you’d like the update to take place

    • General increase % - by what % do you want to increase the rates

    • Rounding - when the update takes place how do you want to round the totals

      • no rounding

      • rounding to nearest 1

      • rounding to nearest 10

      • rounding to nearest 100

      • rounding to nearest 1,000

    • Click ok  


  • Your price list will now be updated accordingly and you will see the activities listed twice

    • The activity & original rate

    • The activity, with the new rate & date it is effective from


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