CRM > Create a Resource Search

The resource search located in the CRM module allows you to create a search query based on the criteria you set. You can create, save and refresh multiple search queries and the results can be extracted and used to create a mailing list or to bulk create pipeline activities for instance.



  • Go to CRM > resource search > click the create new resource search icon

  • Enter a title and click ok



  • In the search setup window, complete the relevant fields:

    • Title: give the search a meaningful name

    • Owner: this will default to your name but can be changed to another user in the dropdown

    • Comments: i.e. the purpose or a summary of the search

    • Locked to owner: check this box if the person responsible is the only user who can update details or change the search criteria

    • Active: will default to checked, uncheck when the search query is no longer relevant or in use

    • Only include active search resources: check this box to omit inactive resources from the search results



  • Start building your search query by clicking on the create new expression icon

  • Add a title and check include



  • Once you have created the expression, click the + icon to add a new search criteria. In the pop-up box enter the relevant details:

    • Criteria: the field you want to filter, i.e. ResourceTypeID

    • Operator: select “=” or “<>”

    • Argument: dropdown list will populate based on the criteria you have selected, i.e. for ResourceTypeID we see a list of all the available resource types in the system, including company, employees, clients (and internal jobs), suppliers, connections, prospects, technical resources etc

    • Click ok



  • Repeat to add multiple search criteria



  • Once you have built out your search query, click on the search results tab to view the returned data

  • Refresh the data selection by clicking on the refresh search icon



  • To export the data, click on the sandwich menu icon > select export grid data



  • In the pop-up window select your desired file format > click ok to download



Search activity setup is used to create a series of activities assigned to a user, based on the data in your search results.

  • Select the relevant resource search from your list > then continue to the search results tab

  • Click the refresh icon to ensure you have the latest set of data based on your search criteria

  • Uncheck the include column against the contacts you wish to exclude

This is useful if there are multiple contacts per resource, and you only wish to create an activity for key contacts



  • Continue to the search activity tab and complete the following fields:

    • Activity type: select from the dropdown list, e.g. follow-up

    • Activity text: enter a description of the activity, e.g. send new rate cards to clients

    • Date: enter the end date of the period you wish to schedule the activities for, e.g. to schedule the series of activities over a 6 week period, select a date 6 weeks from today

    • Contacts per day: enter the number of activities you want to create per day, e.g. enter 5 to create an activity against x5 contacts per day within the desired period (as specified in the date field)

    • Responsible: the user responsible for completing the activities

    • Set activity as done: check this box to record an action you have already completed or leave unchecked for activities to be actioned

    • Click create activity to complete



For each resource search you can only create one search activity setup

  • If you have assigned yourself in the responsible field, go to my activities to view, or if you assigned to another user, go to all activities to view the newly created activities

  • Manage and complete the activities as per usual process



Activity types are created in settings > CRM setup > pipeline activity types and are usually managed by your systems administrator

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