CRM > Create Pipeline Activity

CRM pipeline activities are tasks, follow-ups or actions to be completed as you pursue a new business opportunity, for example a reminder to send a follow-up call or email. Activities are created against clients and prospects, contacts and/or pipelines.


  • To create a new pipeline activity, go to my activities or all activities > click add new pipeline activity icon and in the pop-up complete the following fields:

    • Resource: select a client or prospect from the list

    • Contact: select an exisiting contact name or click the icon to ‘create new contact’

    • *Activity type: select from the available options

    • Date: select a date and time

    • Responsible: the person responsible for the pipeline activity, this will default to your name

    • Company: defaults to your company (but if you have access to multiple companies you can select the relevant company here)

    • Pipeline: if a related pipeline already exists you can select and add the activity to it here

    • Activity text: free text field to add notes or comments

    • Add to calendar: if you use calendar synchronisation, check this box to add the activity to your calendar

    • Done: check box to mark activity as done

  • Click ok

 *Activity types are unique to your system and can be created in Settings > CRM setup.



  • Once you have created a CRM activity, you can also add the next activity, go to my activities or all activities > click the add next activity icon and in the pop-up complete the fields as above, noting the additional fields:

    • Set previous activity to done

    • Set current activity to done

  • Click ok



  • Go to my activities or all activities to see the list of current activities based on the filter settings

  • Select an activity from the list and click show/hide activity card icon to review details and update accordingly

  • Check the box to mark completed activities as done



  • You will receive reminder notifications to your WorkBook inbox when CRM activities are due


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