Employee Settings > Client Access Settings
An employee will automatically inherit access to clients, based on the settings:
If you copy client access from another user, upon first creation
If they have Full client access checked in their profile, in Employee basic settings
If the client is set up to allow ‘new employee access’ for employees meeting relevant criteria, upon first creation
Access to specific clients can then be adjusted on a case-by-case basis* via Employee settings > Client access settings.
*If ‘Full Client Access’ is set on the employee basic settings, you must first disable this, prior to removing access to specific clients via Client access settings.
1 | When Access to client is ticked, this means that the employee can review that client’s data* |
2 | When Show on client list is ticked, this means that the client data is searchable, by default, in various grids and search areas* |
3 | The Further options menu contains shortcuts to grant or revoke access to multiple selected clients in one go. |
*In line with other permissions, such as company access rights and access role permissions.
For multi company WorkBook environments please refer to the following article https://tangram.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TGKB/pages/1884979201
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