Advanced Tools > User Access Rights
User access rights is one of four combination controls on what groups of people, or individual users can access in WorkBook.
This method relates to the modules and buttons you can see in WorkBook, whereas cross company access, client access and job access settings can be used to create profiles around what data you can access.
Access rights are created in the settings module and can only be managed by system administrators, within each agency.
Go to the settings module > advanced tools sub menu > user access rights
Select the user access setup tab
From here you can view, create, delete, copy, edit, import, export and assign access roles
1 | Allows you to view existing access roles from the drop down menu and once selected, items 2-8 below apply to that selected access role |
2 | Add a new access role - allows you to create a new access role |
3 | Delete an access role allows you to delete the currently selected access role (1) |
4 | Once you you have selected the access role you wish to copy from (1) the copy access rights from access role allows you to copy overrides or requests |
5 | Edit access role allows you to edit the name of the access role currently selected (1) |
6 | Export selected access role allows to export an access role from another system (e.g. UAT) |
7 | Import an access role allows you to import an access role from another system |
8 | Shows a list of employees that currently hold that access role |
Once you have created and named the access roles, you will then need to open the access rights control panel.
Go to my settings > select the language & formatting options icon
Scroll down to access rights settings > click show the access override control panel
This will only be available to users with the license type system administrator.
There is now an access rights panel displayed on your screen
Ensure you have the auto refresh on navigation checkbox ticked
With this checkbox ticked, as you click though the different modules the menu will change, allowing you to view, give & revoke access rights to that particular area of Workbook
In the example below, we are in the resources module > employee settings grid
Also, as you hover over the different menu items, they area of WorkBook will be highlighted blue so you can see what area you are updating the access rights for
In the below example, we have selected the employee settings grid in the menu and it’s highlighting the area this applies to
The arrows next the menu names indicate:
Parent page
Child pages
Once you have navigated to the location you wish to apply the access rights to:
Select the current page tab - here you will see all your access rights roles and three columns:
Full access - gives the access role full access to that area of WorkBook
Read only - gives a view only access, the user will not be able to click any icons etc.
No access - gives the access role no access to that area
Review each access role and apply a tick in the checkbox that applies
Click ok
If you are removing access at the module level e.g. resource book, you are removing access to the entire module.
Some areas (not all) will provide a tab called extended access. This refers to additional items in that area that can have access rights applied. Usually buttons, drop down menus etc.
To apply extended access:
Go to the extended access tab > select the item
Select the access role > and apply the appropriate access level by ticking the checkbox
Click ok
If giving access to the finance & administration module or you require an access role to create employees, besides giving access via this process you will also need to ensure that the employee has been granted access in company access settings.
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