Employee Settings > Rates & Billable Targets

Individual rates and billable targets are set against each employee and used for reporting purposes. The values are usually included against an employee record at import or record creation. Each time the values are subsequently updated it is recommended that a new line is created with the correct ‘active from’ date. This will ensure historical reporting remains accurate.



  • Go to the resources module > employee settings grid

  • Select the employee > open the employee card

  • Go to settings > rates and billable targets

  • Click the add a new row icon, this will copy the details from the row above and allow you to update with new values

  • Click into the following cells to update the values:

    • Active from: enter the date the new values are effective from (tip: in the date pop-up screen, click on the shortcuts icon to jump to a specific date)

  • Currency: this cannot be changed, it defaults to the currency of the company the employee sits in

  • Cost/hour: the average employee cost to your agency

  • Est. sale/hour: the target or typical hourly sales rate for this person

  • Billable target %: set the percentage of the employee’s basic time that they should aim to log to billable jobs

  • Fixed IC rate: leave blank or add a value if your system is set-up to handle intercompany transactions

  • Any updates made will come into effect from the active-from date

In most cases, an employee’s cost and sales rates are usually set up in line with the cost and sales rates of their default activity on your company’s standard price list


The rates and billable target values are used across multiple reports in the system, here are a few examples.

  1. Job > costs > hours > all records: view the cost rate of logged time on the job against employee time entries

  • In this example, we can see that the employee’s cost rate increased from 50 to 250 effective from 18/01/21

  • The sales rate in this view is pulled from the price list on the job for the employee’s activity and not from the employee settings


2. Report 185 > Job Profitability: in this report, the contribution margin (CM) for the job is calculated using the actuals logged to the job (employee hourly cost rate x number of hours logged)

3. Report 323 > Employee profitability: in this report, the employee’s actual utilisation is compared to their billable target % within the selected period

  • Customer billable: the actual percentage of time logged to billable jobs (80%)

  • Billable target %: the employee’s individual billable target % (64%)

  • Used on customers %: the actual percentage of time logged to billable jobs within the selected period (80%)

  • +/-: difference between billable target and actual billable % (17%)

  • Billable target: the sales value of the employee’s target billable time (12,600)

  • Customer billable time: the sales value of the employee’s actual billable time (16,000)

  • +/-: difference between billable target and actual billable time ($)

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