Jobs > Price Summary
In WorkBook a price quote is created via the jobs module, when a quote or estimate is required for a client.
WorkBook follows a fixed work breakdown structure:
Price Quote | The price quote is broken into multiple key areas and tabs that must be populated and maintained. |
Phase | Phases are a way of grouping quote line items together. You can choose whether to show phase names and descriptions on your client facing price quote in the Print Settings. Be default price quotes must contain at least one phase. |
Line Items | Lines hold each of your quoted amounts. This is where activities, hours, hourly rates and 3rd party items are added to your quote. |
Price quotes can be accessed via the price tab on a job.
1 | The price quote options menu includes:
As well as ‘copy from’ functions:
You can also:
2 | These price quote tabs relate to the information for this particular price quote.
3 | If you have more than one price quote on a job, use the drop down to change between them |
4 | Opens a price quote list |
5 | You can access the job properties sidebar from the price quote |
6 | Print and layout settings allow you to set the format of your price quote, e.g. uncheck activity price & hours in print settings to roll-up and display phase amounts on the layout |
7 | View and change the quote status, this will trigger approval notifications according to your agreed process |
8 | The save as a template button allows you to save your current price quote as a template which can later be copied into other price quotes and save time |
9 | Icons that allow you to create, duplicate and delete quotes. Duplication is particularly useful for managing quote revisions |
10 | Approval icons allow you to submit a quote for internal approval or cancel an approval |
11 | The currency icon allows you to change the sale currency from the client’s default currency |
12 | Footer is consistent across tabs so you can see price quote information as you move around |
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