CRM > Activities Summary

CRM activities are tasks, follow-ups or actions to be completed as you pursue a new business opportunity, for example a reminder to send a follow-up call or email.

Activities can be created against clients and prospects, contacts and/or pipelines.


To access pipeline activities go to:

  • The CRM module > my activities or all activities, here the main grid displays a list of your existing activities or everyone’s existing activities according to your filter settings and grid column and grouping selections.






Add new pipeline activity


Add next pipeline activity picks up the details of the selected activity to easily create an additional activity. From the pop-up you can also choose to set the previous activity as done.


The show/hide prospect card opens an additional window at the bottom of your screen showing prospect and contact information for the selected pipeline, from here you can create new contacts, update the active/inactive status of a contact, merge and move contacts. Additional tabs also allow you to access the pipeline log, activities and conversations.


Show/hide activity card opens an additional window to the right of your screen showing the activity details, from here you can update fields, add to calendar and mark as done.


Use the filter to condense the activity list, i.e. filter by activity type, resource, responsible; pipeline; company; resource group; a specific date range; or status (done, not done, all).

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