Folders, Reports & Documents > Report Layouts & Watermarks

A combination of WorkBook layouts, watermarks and print settings are used to create the branded, client facing documents such as price quotes, purchase orders and invoices.


WorkBook has standard layouts (known as reports in WorkBook) coded to pull system entered data in to the client facing documents, i.e. price quotes, purchase orders and invoices.

Things to note about layouts:

  • Some information on the layout will be hard coded

  • Every output can have multiple layout templates, if needed

  • Preferred layouts can be defaulted by client/department/etc.

While layouts can be amended, the use of watermarks and print settings can negate the need for this.


A watermark is your branded header & footer (similar to a letterhead) that is used to include your branding on price quotes, invoices and purchases orders.

Things to note about watermarks:

  • Watermarks should be formatted to take the different layouts in to consideration

  • One or several watermarks can be imported and used

  • Watermarks can be defaulted by client/department/etc


The watermark should be formatted to fit across the top of the page and setup in the following format:

  • PNG file

  • 300 dpi

  • 2480 x 3508 pixels (A4) or 2550 x 3300 (US letter)


To add a new watermark to WorkBook go to:

  • Settings module > folders, reports & documents tab > select report layouts and watermarks

  • Go to the watermark setup tab > click the upload new watermark button


  • Select your .png file and upload it



In WorkBook you can set up different watermarks for different companies, departments, debtors or clients.

  • In the settings module > folders, reports & documents tab > select report layouts and watermarks

  • Go to the report watermarks tab > click the upload new watermark button


  • Complete the following fields in the add new watermark pop up:

    • Report - which report do you want to default the watermark to

    • Watermark - select the watermark

    • Reference type - how will WorkBook know to use this watermark?

    • Group - depending what you select for reference type, you will then need to set the appropriate group that does with that reference type

    • Priority

  • Click ok

In the example below, we have defaulted the ‘Tangram.Watermark’ to the price quote on the company (reference type) ‘Tangram’ (group).


  • Repeat the steps above for any other reports that need to have a default watermark


  • Once this is done, the next time you create that particular report e.g. price quote, the correct watermark will default correctly



When your agency changes address or updates it’s branding, you will need to create a new watermark and replace the existing watermarks. This is a very simple process in WorkBook.

  • Back in the settings module > folders, reports & documents tab > select report layouts and watermarks

  • Go to the watermark setup tab > click the overwrite current watermark button


  • Select your .png file and upload it

  • This will then replace the old watermark png with the new one for all reports where the watermark was in use



If you have a watermark that is unused, you may wish to delete it.

  • In the settings module > folders, reports & documents tab > select report layouts and watermarks

  • Go to the watermark setup tab > click the delete selected watermark button

If the watermark has been used you will not be able to delete it

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