Reporting > Job List 1

Job list #1 is the default job list for all advanced users of WorkBook. You can create many reports from the jobs module > jobs list simply by changing the jobs list view field. Job list #1 is the default job list view and can be used for getting a broad summary of your project's health.


  • Go to the jobs module > jobs list > filter your jobs list according to what you want to see in your report e.g. client/client group and project

  • Click apply


  • Once the job list has been filtered ensure the job list view is set to job list (1)


  • Your job list will reformat to WorkBook’s default job list (1)



There are a number of columns that can make up job list 1 - here is a break down of the column headers and their definitions.




The client the job belongs to


The grouping, campaign or project this job belongs to. It comes from the Project field in the job properties sidebar

Job No.

WorkBook job number

Job Name

Indicates the name of the job


Date the job was created

End Date

Indicates the job’s end date. It comes from the End Date field in the job properties sidebar

Project Manager

Indicates the project manager assigned on this job. It comes from the Project Manager field in the job properties sidebar

Account Manager

Indicates the account manager assigned on this job. It comes from the Account Manager field in the job properties sidebar

Client Contact

Indicates the client contact assigned on this job. It comes from the Client Contact field in the job properties sidebar


The WorkBook company the job belongs to


There will be a tick in the field to indicate the job is billable


Comes from the Job Type field in the job properties sidebar

Reference Key

The reference key field is sometimes used as part of the implementation process when jobs are imported into WorkBook. It comes from the reference key field in the job properties side bar > job finance settings

Client PO no.

Comes from the client PO number field in the job properties sidebar


The displayed currency of the current user

All the other currencies created/incurred on the job will be converted into the user’s displayed currency using the rate defined under the exchange rate tables.

This is only for displaying purpose. WorkBook still maintain the original currency value set on the transaction.

Price TO Progress

Actual Sale / Approved Price Quotes
Displayed as a %

Schedule Progress

Total number of hours logged / total number of hours scheduled 
Displayed as a %

Evaluated Progress

Comes from the Evaluated Progress field in job list #2 and shown as a percentage

This is not editable in job list #1 - it can only be updated in job list #2.

Cost To Progress

Current cost of the job / total cost approved price quotes Displayed as a % 

Invoice To Cost

Actual Sale (to date) / Invoiced (to date) 
Displayed as a %

Price Quotes

Total value of approved Price Quotes on the job or all Price quotes on a job, depending on system variable #1051

Price Quote Hours

Total number of hours on time based items on approved Price Quotes on the job or all Price quotes on a job, depending on system variable #1051

Actual Sale

Total sales value of: 

  • Time logged to date 

  • Creditor invoices/expenses registered to the job 

  • Unsettled PO values

Actual Sale Hours

Number of hours recorded on the job to date via timesheets

Actual Cost

Total cost value of time and expenses logged to the job


Total amount invoiced to date on the job (approved invoices)

ETC Hours

The number of future hours scheduled

Expected Hours

Expected hours still to spend on the project. 

This can be calculated either by:

  • Remaining hours assigned to users on tasks not yet marked as complete (irrelevant of date scheduled)

  • Only future scheduled hours

This setting is determined in the Job KPI view.


Sale value of expected future hours

Total Expected Spend

Actual Sale + Expected

Expected Over/Underspend

Price Quote Value less Total Expected Spend 

Total Expected Spend Hours

Price Quote Hours less Total Expected Spend Hours

Expected Over/Underspend Hours

Actual Hours + Expected Hours

Total Adjustment

Cumulative sum of all WIP adjustment values on the job 

Expenses after Adjustments

Total sale +/- adjustments


Shows the tags that have been assigned to the job. It comes from the Tags field in the job properties sidebar

Department/Profit Centre

Comes from the Department/Profit Centre field in the job properties sidebar

Job Status

Indicates the current status of the job. It comes from the Status field in the job properties sidebar

Costing Code

Costing codes applied to the job


Job list 1 contains many details for your retainer reporting purposes. Use the modify grid functionality to configure job list 1 to suit your agency’s retainer reporting process.



You can export job list 1 to create your own reports using WorkBook’s export grid data functionality.


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