Scheduling > Schedule: Active and Inactive Statuses

Job schedules in WorkBook can be set to ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’ via the Tasks > Settings tab. The ‘Schedule is active’ box is checked by default. 


When a ‘schedule is active’: 

  • Bookings will appear in a resource’s task list

  • Bookings will appear in capacity planning views

Once a schedule is built, the ‘schedule is active’ box can be unchecked and the status will change to ‘inactive’, this means:

  • Bookings are not visible to a resource in their task list

  • An activation probability % can be set on inactive schedules

  • Inactive schedules can be viewed by probability in the:

    • Scheduling module > weekly schedule and

    • Scheduling module > task matrix views (colour coded to purple)

  • In the drop-down menu, brackets around the schedule name indicate that it is inactive


Create an inactive schedule

  • Create the schedule > add phases and tasks > and add resources - do not book hours yet

  • Go to the schedule’s settings tab > uncheck ‘schedule is active’ > set the activation probability %

  • To book hours, go to the tasks tab > open the booked resources horizontal panel

  • Enter hours against each resource via the list view > booking column


To see how inactive schedules impact capacity, go to the scheduling module > weekly schedule or task matrix views.


  • A schedule must be ‘active’ to add/edit resources on tasks but can be ‘inactive’ to book hours

  • Only automatic bookings according to the schedule or task setting can be used on inactive schedules, i.e. ‘even distribution of hours’ or ‘first available capacity’

  • Manual bookings are NOT displayed in capacity planning views in current versions of WorkBook

Weekly Schedule

In scheduling > weekly schedule we can review total hours booked per resource on both active schedules and inactive schedules. This view allows you to:

  • View booked hours, % or revenue, or available capacity against a resource by day, week or month 

  • See the planned resource capacity for active schedules across jobs

  • See the planned resource weighted for inactive schedules by the activation probability %

Task Matrix

In scheduling > task matrix we can review resources and see the jobs and tasks they have been booked on in both active schedules and inactive schedules. This view allows you to:

  • View booked by number of hours or revenue by day, week or month 

  • See the planned resource capacity for active schedules across jobs

  • See the planned resource weighted for inactive schedules by the activation probability %

Re-schedule and edit hours on ‘active’ schedules only

View Inactive Schedules

To view data in either of these views:

  • Click on the Filter icon  to adjust the data set you are viewing:

    • Period by entering a start date > select to view data by Week / Month > select the time period in Days / Weeks / Months

    • Update resource filter to include your company, resources or teams 

    • Check ‘include inactive schedules’ box and the relevant option for how you would like to view capacity across inactive schedules:

      • Check use schedule probability to represent the activation probability as per the % applied on each individual schedule OR…

      • Check the % slider to apply one percentage across all inactive schedules, i.e. this could be set to 100% to view potential future capacity across all jobs should they all be approved.


Colour coding within cells alerts you to capacity issues:

  • Purple = Booked on inactive schedules (according to the probability % option selected in your Filter settings)

  • Yellow = Booked on jobs in Quotation status

  • Green = Booked on jobs In progress

  • Red = Overbooked

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