CRM > Clients & Prospects List Summary

In WorkBook, clients are defined as the customers you work with. Jobs, price quotes and invoices are all created for clients. The creation of clients is usually restricted to designated role(s) or person(s) within your agency.

Prospects are potential new business customers that you want to work with. You can create CRM pipelines and activities against both prospects and clients, but you cannot create a job against a prospect. The creation of prospects is usually less restrictive and open to users who have access to the CRM module.


Go to CRM > clients & prospects list, the main grid displays a list of existing clients and prospects according to your filter settings and grid column and grouping selections. From here you can create new prospects, add new CRM activities and show/hide the prospect card.




Add new prospect


Add new activity


Deactivate/activate selected resource allows you to control which prospects can have CRM pipelines and activities created against them.


The show/hide prospect card opens an additional window at the bottom of your screen showing prospect and contact information for the selected client/prospect, from here you can view and create new contacts, update the active/inactive status of a contact, merge and move contacts. Additional tabs also allow you to access the pipeline log, activities and conversations.


Use the filter to condense the clients & prospects list, i.e. Filter by responsible; search for contact by name or email; business; country; resource group; profile; profile text; default job dimensions (job account manager, job project manager, project etc); and extended filters (show resources without active activities; show inactive resources; only show “favourites”).

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