Job Properties Sidebar > Basic Job Settings

When it comes to updating information on a job, the basic settings sub-menu contains the information that most commonly needs to be maintained during the life cycle of a job.

Many of these fields can also be added to various job list views to create different grid view reports, depending on your agency’s reporting requirements.



  • From the jobs list > select the job > and click on the job properties sidebar buttonimage-20240301-042616.png


TIP: You can also access the job properties sidebar from any of the job sub-menus like Briefing, Tasks, Price, Purchase Order, Invoice, Costs etc. Just look for the job properties sidebar button image-20240301-042616.png (helping hand) in the top tight hand corner of the screen.


  • In the job properties sidebar >select the basic job settings menu image-20240301-095441.png



The following fields can be updated in the basic job settings sub-menu:





Job Status

Job status will default to “quotation” (yellow) and depending on your system set-up, can either be set to change automatically, i.e. when a price quote is approved, or changed manually.

If duplicating an existing job, please be aware that the job status will also need to be manually re-set

Production Status

Can be used to reflect an additional status of the job e.g. with client, with supplier, etc.

Production Statuses need to be setup in advance by a system administrator in Settings > Projects & Jobs.

Evaluated Progress

Allows you to add in your own percentage on how far you think you are through the job and can be used in various job list views to compare against scheduled and price TO progress

Start Date

This defaults to the date the job was created but can be updated manually if required

End Date

The date you expect to close the job. This date is important for quite a few things in WorkBook including but not limited to, time entry, net revenue forecast, job closure etc.

Next Step Date

A date field allowing you to keep track of the next step due date.

Delivery Date

A date field allowing you to keep track of the delivery date.

Project Manager

Manager of the project deliverables and budget 

Account Manager

Usually defined as the main client contact overseeing the job

Finance Manager

A Finance Manager can be assigned to a job and used as part of the approval processes

Client Contact

The main contact at the company/client

Client PO Number

A field to include the client’s purchase order number which will then appear on sales invoices for this job

Client Product

If used, a drop-down of client products as set up in the settings module


The grouping, campaign or project this job belongs to

Job Type

The type of job: the use of this Job Type field will depend on how your WorkBook system has been configured


The team working on the job, usually defaults to All Employees

Department / Profit Centre

The main department/profit centre that will be working on this job

Time Entry

This will usually be set to default based on client or system rules. You can also choose one of the options to restrict time entry:

(1) Team Members (based on members of the Team assigned to the job)

(2) Everyone with Access to the Client

(3) None, Time entry is blocked


Determines whether this job is accessible to client portal users or not


The check box indicates whether the job is billable or not. Defaults to ‘yes’ for client jobs  

Support Ticket Job

The check box determines whether this job is to be used for support tickets

Price List

The price list (rate card) will default to the standard price list associated with the client on this job

Material Price List

If your agency is using materials this will default to the standard material price list associated with the client on this job

Mileage Price List

If your agency is using mileage this will default to the standard mileage price list associated with the client on this job

Coupon Jobs

Used to limit the job to a specific amount of hours or total expense

Pipeline Reference

A free text field to reference a pipeline

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