Invoice > Create an Invoice from 'Expenditures from Current Job'
Invoices in WorkBook can be created in a number of ways, one method is to copy the job’s expenditures (time, materials, expenses, purchase orders, creditor invoices) that have already been recorded on the job to the invoice.
This method is perfect for invoicing actuals on a job, or if a job is cancelled and the client has agreed to pay for all costs incurred to date.
In the jobs list > select the job
Click the invoice icon
Click create new button
In the pop up:
Select invoice type
Insert correct invoice date
In copy data from select expenditures from current job
Click ok
In this example we have chosen to create an ‘invoice on account’ and copy from 'expenditures from current job’. If you wish to create a different type of invoice or create an invoice from any other means, please refer to the specific articles.
Select the items you wish to appear on your invoice using the filter:
Cost Types
Purchase orders
Exclude non approved entries
Subtract records already invoiced
Match total amount (choose an amount to invoice)
Subtract credit notes
Period to include
Entire period
Limited period
Select the output composition method
Click ok
All the activities based on your selected criteria, will now appear in the lines tab
To complete your invoice, the remaining steps can be found in Step-by-Step > Create an Invoice
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