Finance > Validate Finance Settings (Fixing Financial Errors)

Validate finance settings, found in the settings module, is the go-to when you get a financial settings error.

Workbook will stop you from making any financial transactions if something hasn’t been set up correctly. It can be something as simple as a duplicate line number in the chart of accounts, or more complicated, like a posting configuration issue.

We recommend checking validate finance settings when you make any change to the financial settings in Workbook.


  • Go to the settings module > finance sub-menu > select validate finance settings

  • Click the refresh button, this ensures it will check any recent changes to your finance setup

  • If everything in your system is set up correctly, it will give the following message “no setup errors detected - finance setup is completed”

  • When there is an error, WorkBook will tell you what the error is

  • Once you have fixed the issue/s, come back to validate finance settings > and refresh to make sure all issues have been fixed


Reach out to your Tangram consultant if you require any assistance.

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