Price Lists & Activities > Personal Expense Types
In order to enter a personal expense entry into WorkBook, it is required to set up the expense types.
Locate the setup in the settings module > price lists & activities > personal expense types.
Please reach out to your WorkBook system administrator and/or your WorkBook Consultant if you cannot find the module/menu.
There are 3 post types of expenses in WorkBook:
Job - the expense belongs to a job and should be attributed as a cost of delivering that job, i.e. purchases you have made for a job, such as travel, or accommodation. When entering an expense under this option, it is required to select an existing job to register the cost against.
Private Withdrawal - This is designed for employees that use the company credit card for cash withdrawals. There needs to be two creditors mapping to the relevant employee, one is the normal employee creditor and one is the credit card.
Operating - these expenses can not be attributed to a job and are an internal cost, i.e. purchases such as staff entertainment, software, or office supplies. This expense type is usually linked to an overhead GL account that is defined by the Finance team.
The types Job and Private Withdrawal are part of the default setup and will be created by WorkBook. It is not possible to delete these default types, they can only be set to Active or Inactive.
Only one expense type can be created for Jobs and Private Withdrawal
For the Operating post type, you can have as many as needed
Jobs and Operating types
Go to settings > price lists & activities > personal expense types
In the expense types tab > click to highlight the existing expense type in the upper grid
In the below sub-grid > click to highlight the company that will be set up
You can only select the company by clicking on the sub-grid, not the drop-down option
Only the active checkbox in the sub-grid can be changed, other fields must be set in the detailed card in the sidebar on the right
This checkbox will be greyed out (set to not applicable) until the VAT/GST/Tax options are defined in the sidebar
From the detailed sidebar, complete the following:
Company: reflects the company that is selected from the sub-grid
Operating account:
if post type = Job, leave this field blank as the posting will follow the setup on Job
If post type = Operating, select the GL account that the expense will be posted against
VAT/GST/Tax options: select the VAT/GST/tax posting group that has been defined under the Finance settings (Settings > Finance > VAT / GST/Tax Settings) for the relevant options. This indicates the VAT/GST/Tax rate and VAT/GST/Tax account will be used on the expense upon posting financially
Domestic, with VAT/GST: using for domestic expense where VAT/GST/Tax is included in the amount
VAT/GST EU: used for when the expense occurs within Europe (applies to a European company only)
VAT/GST International: used for when the expense occurs outside of Europe (applies to a European company only)
Domestic, no VAT/GST: used for domestic expense where VAT/GST/Tax is NOT included in the amount
Operating Example
Another example where the post type is operating comes from the screenshot below.
From the example, the overhead cost “Internal - Staff entertainment” is set to link to the operating account “14210 - Entertainment: Domestic”, set active on 1 company, and uses only two VAT/GST/Tax options, Domestic with VAT/GST and Domestic no VAT/GST.
Private withdrawals type
The steps to set up this type is similar to the above:
First, select the default type that has been created by WorkBook from the upper grid
Then, select the company that you want to activate this type on
Since the cash withdrawal should have no VAT/GST/Tax in the field private withdrawal, no VAT > search for and select the VAT/GST posting group that has been configured for not having VAT/GST/Tax
Depending on your company policy and/or internal process, you may want to create more expense types linking to different operating accounts to register the overhead costs (e.g. Staff entertainment; Taxi - not billable; Flight travel - not billable, etc.)
From the personal expense types view > expense types tab> click on the icon create new
A new expense type will be added to the end of the list in the above grid
The post type will default to 3 - Operating
In the sub-grid > sidebar > go through the same steps as above to select the operating account > and the VAT/GST/Tax posting group for the relevant options
Make sure you have checked the active checkbox for the company in the subgrid > and the expense type from the above grid
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