Suppliers/vendors are created in the resource module and are usually managed by designated role(s) or person(s) within each agency or office.
Suppliers/vendors are global records, meaning that an individual supplier could potentially be used by anyone in your WorkBook database. Creditors are the entities that send you invoices and are unique records within a WorkBook company; they cannot be shared across companies.
Suppliers/vendors are used for purchase orders only, therefore if a creditor is not purchase order related (i.e. employee creditors) then there is no need to also create a supplier/vendor record.
Supplier/vendor access cannot be restricted by agency/WorkBook company so, cleanliness of record management is paramount.
The most efficient way to create a supplier/vendor record is via the creditors menu. If this is not possible, due to your agency’s creditor creation or approval workflows then create the supplier/vendor first and then link to the creditor, once created.
A creditor must exist for a supplier/vendor invoice to be processed.
To add a new supplier/vendor go to:
Resources module > resource default grid
Click on the further options menu
Select create a new resource > select supplier
Enter the supplier/vendor name
Click ok
Additional supplier/vendor information can be added via the supplier card.
Go to the resources module > resource default grid
Select the supplier/vendor > open the supplier card
Go to the information
From here you can update the following client information:
Phone number
Mobile number
Social information: e.g. web address, LinkedIn page etc.
Resource group: used to group resources together e.g. for a mail out
Address details
Business: suppliers/vendors can be grouped by business type for reporting purposes e.g. print, post production etc.
Public number: supplier/vendor’s business number
Responsible: the main contact person in your company for the supplier relationship
To add a contact person/s to your supplier/vendor record go to Create a Supplier/Vendor > Supplier Settings