Retainers > Reporting Items In & Out of Scope

The WorkBook retainer module has a feature that allows you to include out of scope items on your retainer delivery jobs and then report on those activities that fall outside of the retainer project.


In order to include and report on items in and out of scope on your retainer, you will need to configure your retainer project …….


  • Scroll down to retainer settings

  • Ensure delivery job closing settlement method is set to invoice amount is equal to approved price quote


  • Delivery invoice trigger can be set to:

    • Price quote is approved

    • Job is in status 3, ‘ready for closing’

    • Job is in status 4, ‘closed’

The delivery invoice trigger MUST be set to one of the above, it cannot be set to ‘no invoice generated’



  • Next check the box next to activities not included in master price quotes are considered out of scope and must be billed separately so there is a tick

When using the in and out of scope method for managing retainers, the all corrective price quotes and invoices to be done on one activity check box must be left unchecked




Now that the retainer project has been setup to track in and out scope activities you can now follow the instructions for creating the master billing job.

  • When creating the price quote/s for the master billing job these should only include activities that are in scope (part of the retainer agreement)

  • In the example below the only activities included in this retainer are:

    • Account Manager &

    • Copywriter

  • Once you have finished setting up the master price quote > set the price quote status to “approved externally


  • Once the price quote has been approved, in the project retainer settings > scoped activities, both account manager & copy writer are listed as the activities that are considered in scope


  • If you have additional price quotes to create on the master billing job, you can do so now

  • Any additional activities you add to these price quotes will be added to the in scope activities list, against your retainer project

It is important to create ALL price quotes for the master billing job before the first delivery job price quote is approved. Once that first delivery job price quote is approved, no more activities can be added to the “in scope” list


When you are ready to create a delivery job, follow the instructions for creating a delivery job.

  • Create a price quote and include all the activities required to complete the delivery job (these can be both in and out of scope)

  • In the example below the activity creative director has been added to the price quote

  • An alert icon is placed next to the activity to show it’s out of scope and will be invoiced separately


  • Once the first delivery price quote’s status is changed to “approved externally”, a pop-up will appear with the following message: Approval of this price quote will define the activity scope for the retainer. Do you wish to proceed?

  • Once you click yes, the activities that are considered in scope are locked in and additional activities can no longer be added to the master billing job

  • In the example below, account manager and copywriter are now the only activities available to be used on any future price quotes for the master billing job



Once the scope is locked into place, WorkBook will automatically create two invoices on the delivery job.

  1. The first invoice will contain any out of scope activities

  2. The second invoice will be the automated and finalized delivery invoice that contains the in scope activities

Invoice 1

  • The line items for this invoice are automatically populated by the out of scope activities from your delivery job price quote

  • Using our previous example, the out of scope activity on the delivery price quote was Creative Director, this is the activity that has been added to the automated out of scope invoice

  • The invoice will have the status of “under preparation” and can follow your agency’s regular approval process for invoices


Invoice 2

  • This invoice contains the in scope activities from the delivery price quote, attributing the income to the delivery job

  • This invoice status will be “invoiced” and does not go through any approval process


  • Simultaneously, WorkBook will automatically create a credit note on the master billing job, to reduce the retainer budget

  • This credit note will also have a status of “invoiced




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