Debtors > Debtor Invoices
In the debtor invoices area you can view all invoices that have been produced whether they’re approved or have been finalized.
You can access debtor invoices in the finance & administration module > debtors sub-menu > debtor invoices
Invoices are grouped by status in each tab:
1 | Approved | Approved, but yet finalized or posted. Note: there’s no invoice number applied yet. |
2 | Ready for print | Posted but not marked as sent. |
3 | Finalized | Posted and also set as printed. |
4 | Drafts | Under preparation. |
5 | Electronic Delivery | Invoices which are finalized and if the invoice delivery is set to ‘Electronic invoice’ on the debtor card, it will appear here as well as in the finalized tab. Invoices in this list have not been sent. |
6 | Jobs ready for closing | Finalized invoices under a job which has a status of ‘ready for closing'. |
These invoices have been approved on the job but not posted yet. Depending on your setup, when printed, these may show the ‘DRAFT’ watermark at the top of the page. This list is more for informative purposes than managing invoices.
The options available on this screen are:
1 | Change invoice date | As these invoices haven’t been posted yet, you can still change the invoice date |
2 | Add invoice number | This does the same as finalizing an invoice in the job area. Changes can no longer be made to the invoice once the invoice number is added. The invoice will also move to the ‘ready for print’ tab. |
3 | Show expenditure amounts | This toggles the expenditure screen at the bottom of the page on and off. The screen shows the same information you get from the costs tab in the job area. |
4 | Download invoices as one pdf | You can select multiple invoices (by ticking the box) and when you click this, it downloads a pdf that includes all of the invoices in one pdf. |
5 | Attach invoices to email | You can select multiple invoices (by ticking the box) and when you click this, it will create new draft emails to the individual debtors. |
6 | Change watermark | Select an invoice and when you click this, a popup will appear giving all the watermark options you have available in your system. |
7 | Select all | Ticks all invoices available in the list |
8 | Select none | Unticks all invoices available in the list |
9 | Tick selected invoices | All highlighted invoice lines will have a tick added |
10 | Un-tick selected invoices | All highlighted invoice lines will have the tick removed |
Tip: When selecting invoices to ‘download as one pdf’, it’s a good idea to ‘select none’ before making your selections so, that you don’t include unwanted invoices.
These invoices have been approved and posted but the print status has not been updated (meaning it has not been sent).
The options available on this screen are:
1 | Download invoices as one pdf | You can select multiple invoices (by ticking the box) and when you click this, it downloads a pdf that includes all of the invoices in one pdf. |
2 | Attach invoices to email | You can select multiple invoices (by ticking the box) and when you click this, it will create new draft emails to the individual debtors. |
3 | Mark selected invoices as printed | If you know the invoice has been sent, tick the invoice line, click this and it will move to the ‘Finalized’ tab |
4 | Change watermark | Select an invoice and when you click this, a popup will appear giving all the watermark options you have available in your system. |
5 | Select all | Ticks all invoices available in the list |
6 | Select none | Unticks all invoices available in the list |
7 | Tick selected invoices | All highlighted invoice lines will have a tick added |
8 | Un-tick selected invoices | All highlighted invoice lines will have the tick removed |
These invoices have been approved, posted and marked as sent.
The options available on this screen are:
1 | Download invoices as one pdf | You can select multiple invoices (by ticking the box) and when you click this, it downloads a pdf that includes all of the invoices in one pdf. |
2 | Attach invoices to email | You can select multiple invoices (by ticking the box) and when you click this, it will create new draft emails to the individual debtors. |
3 | Mark selected invoices as printed | If you know the invoice has been sent, tick the invoice line, click this and it will move to the ‘Finalized’ tab. |
4 | Mark selected invoices as not electronically transferred | This will move the ticked invoice lines back to ‘ready for print’. |
5 | Change watermark | Select an invoice and when you click this, a popup will appear giving all the watermark options you have available in your system. |
6 | Select all | Ticks all invoices available in the list. |
7 | Select none | Unticks all invoices available in the list. |
8 | Tick selected invoices | All highlighted invoice lines will have a tick added. |
9 | Un-tick selected invoices | All highlighted invoice lines will have the tick removed. |
These invoices are still under preparation.
The options available on this screen are:
1 | Download invoices as one pdf | You can select multiple invoices (by ticking the box) and when you click this, it downloads a pdf that includes all of the invoices in one pdf. |
2 | Attach invoices to email | You can select multiple invoices (by ticking the box) and when you click this, it will create new draft emails to the individual debtors. |
3 | Change watermark | Select an invoice and when you click this, a popup will appear giving all the watermark options you have available in your system. |
4 | Select all | Ticks all invoices available in the list. |
5 | Select none | Unticks all invoices available in the list. |
6 | Tick selected invoices | All highlighted invoice lines will have a tick added. |
7 | Un-tick selected invoices | All highlighted invoice lines will have the tick removed. |
Invoices which are finalized and if the invoice delivery is set to ‘Electronic invoice’ on the debtor card, it will appear here as well as in the finalized tab.
Note: Only unsent invoices will appear in this list.
The options available on this screen are:
1 | Download invoices as one pdf | You can select multiple invoices (by ticking the box) and when you click this, it downloads a pdf that includes all of the invoices in one pdf. |
2 | Attach invoices to email | You can select multiple invoices (by ticking the box) and when you click this, it will create new draft emails to the individual debtors. |
3 | Mark selected invoices as electronically transferred | This will move the ticked invoice to the ‘finalized’ tab and will show as sent. |
4 | Change watermark | Select an invoice and when you click this, a popup will appear giving all the watermark options you have available in your system. |
5 | Create e-invoice | This will create an e-invoice if your system is setup for e-invoicing. |
6 | Send invoice to Pagero | This will send the invoice to Pagero if this is available in your system. |
7 | Select all | Ticks all invoices available in the list. |
8 | Select none | Unticks all invoices available in the list. |
9 | Tick selected invoices | All highlighted invoice lines will have a tick added. |
10 | Un-tick selected invoices | All highlighted invoice lines will have the tick removed. |
This is an informative page to show the invoices that exist on jobs marked as ‘ready for closing’. The only option on this page is to toggle the expenditure screen on and off. This will give you the same information as you’ll find on the costs tab on the job.
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