Expenses > Reconciling Credit Card Expenses

After importing a credit card, the expense will go to the reconciler listed in the credit card mapping. This article shows you how to reconcile the expense.

The credit card expense reconciliation happens in the time & expense module and can only be done by one person per credit card.

The credit card upload will need to be completed (usually by someone in Finance) before the expense can be reconciled. You can find more information on how to do that here.




If you are nominated as a credit card reconciler you will receive a notification in your inbox when you have a credit card expenses to reconcile.

  • Go to the time & expense module > time & expense sub menu > select expense


  • On a credit card expense you’ll see that the creditor is the credit card account and it’s locked for editing:



  • Select the expense line item > ensure the details sidebar is open


  • Complete these fields in the details tab:

  1. Expense Type - this will be job or operating

  2. Job - if your expense type is job, you will need to select the job number

  3. Activity - the activity/cost type applicable to the expense

  4. Description - a description of the expense

  5. Location - did the expense include GST/VAT/tax


  • Go to the receipt tab > add the corresponding receipt

  1. by dragging/dropping or uploading

  2. or selecting from the receipt archive


  • Click approve



Someone with access to finance & administration will be required to complete the expense.

  • Depending on your approval flow, the expense will now appear in the creditor invoice list, under status 40 or 50

  • Approve the entry (if required)


  • You will then need to go to general ledger > project postings and post like you would with any creditor invoice



  • If an entry is incorrect, you can reject it and leave a comment:

  • This will set the status back to 10 in the reconcilers expense entry list

  • They can make the change and then re-approve the entry


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