Employee Settings > Employee Basic Settings R12

Employee Settings > Employee Basic Settings R12

Employees are created in the resource module and are usually controlled by a system administrator, designated role(s) or person(s) within your agency.

Once an employee is initially created there is additional information that can be set against the employee record. In this article we look at the options in the Employee basic settings tab.




  • In the resources module > employee settings grid

  • Select the employee > open the employee card

  • Go to the settings > employee basic settings

  • From here you can update the following general employee information.

Fields highlighted in blue are compulsory




Name of the employee

License Type*

Select the options from the drop-down list

  • System administrator: this type will give the user with highest permission in WorkBook system and there will be no restriction can be applied on this type of user.

  • Advanced user: usually be selected for those users whom require to access and manage project, timeline, estimate, resources, and finance.

  • Basic user: usually be selected for normal employee who only need to do timesheet, received task assignment, collaborate with the team on tasks.

  • Employee without access to WorkBook: usually be used when you have the employees that you want to manage them in WorkBook but don’t want to grant the access.

  • Scheduling resource. (Access denied): usually be created based on the roles or positions that is used as a place-holder during the scheduling process.

The last 2 options do not cost any license fees. To learn more about how to use them, refer to the 2 articles below.

Resources > Employee without Access to WorkBook R12archived

Resources > Group Scheduling Resources R12archived

Make sure you have available Advanced Licenses when selecting either options “System Administrator” or “Advanced User”; and available Basic Licenses when selecting “Basic User”.

Access Role*

Depending on the option selected under “License type”, the options here will be populated accordingly. WorkBook uses the “Access role” to control the permissions of what the users can see and do.

Select the access role for advanced and basic users.


Select the company the employee belongs to


Employee’s Supervisor - usually used as part of an approval process

Traffic Manager

Employee’s Traffic Manager - usually used as part of an approval process

Timesheet Approver*

Select a timesheet approver from the drop down - usually used as part of an approval process

Email format

HTML or Attachment

Profit Centre/Department*

The profit centre or department the employee belongs to


Select from the available options in the dropdown list. In some instances this may be the related to the type of work they do rather than their job title.

Default Activity

The employee’s primary activity, e.g. copywriter

WorkBook Language

Default WorkBook Language - in most instances, this will be the same as your default system language. Consult your WorkBook implementation consultant if you’re unsure.

Default Report Language

Should be the same as WorkBook language

Report Profile*

Defines the employee’s access level to reports, usually inline with their license type, i.e. advanced or basic

Substitute Employee

Select an employee to receive notifications and approvals in the absence of this employee

Price Group

Select from the drop down list if this is part of your implementation process

Social No.

Employee’s social security, national insurance or tax file number

Employment Type

Is this employee permanent, fixed-term contract or freelance?

Weekend Type

What days are considered the weekend for this employee? This usually will depend on the employee’s location.

First Day of the Week

What day is considered the first day of the working week? This usually will depend on the employee’s location.

Holiday Calendar

Choose the correct holiday calendar in order for the employee to be blocked out for the correct public holidays.

Holiday Calculation Method

Holidays can be calculated by four different methods:

  • One day off = one holiday

  • Longest day from capacity profile

  • Average calculated from capacity profile

  • Average defined on employee holiday period

Reference Key

This field should only be completed if it’s part of your WorkBook implementation

External Code

This field should only be completed if it’s part of your WorkBook implementation

Date of Birth

DOB details


Gender details

Start of Employment

Employee's start date - defaults to creation date

End of Employment

Date the employee’s contract expires

Domain Log In Name

Used for domain validation by some organisations, enabling employee to sign in with the same password for all applications


Employee’s login name. You can decide the format, however it is recommended to use the same format for all employees, e.g. email address

User must enter timesheet

Check the box if timesheets are compulsory for this employee

Receive timesheet notification email

Check the box if this employee should receive a timesheet reminder email

Time entry dialogue to appear upon login

Check the box if you would like the time entry dialogue box to appear upon login - this means timesheets must be completed before an employee can access WorkBook.

Full Client Access

Check the box if this employee should have access to ALL clients

Allow user to create new tags

Check the box if this employee should be able to create tags

Allow user to create new skills

Check the box if this employee should be able to add new skills to the system

Allow saving of new job based templates

Check the box if this employee should be able to create templates e.g. price quote and scheduling templates

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