Contacts are linked to resources via the resource type ID field, e.g customer or supplier, and the unique reference number of the individual record you are linking it to.
ResTypeId | Resource type ID: Categorise the type of resource that the Parent of the contact the person is. | Number 1 = Internal company | Yes |
RefNum | Reference number: Link the contact to an existing client or supplier. Check your client and debtors import sheet for the CustNum &/or suppliers and creditors import sheet for the CreditorNum. | Number E.g. 201, 234, 312 etc | Yes |
ContactName | Contact name: The contact’s first and last name. | Text e.g. Chris Smith | Yes |
EmployPosition | Contact position: The contact’s position/job title. | Text e.g. Marketing Manager | No |
Contact email address | Text E.g. name@agency.com | No | |
Mobile | Mobile number | Number and/or text | No |
Tel | Telephone number | Number and/or text | No |
Fax | Fax number | Number and/or text | No |
AdrLine1 | Address Line 1: Used when importing full contact details. This information is not required at import and can be added to the system later if required. | Text | No |
AdrLine2 | Address Line 2 | Text | No |
Postcode | Postcode | Number and/or text | No |
City | City | Text | No |
CountryCode | Country Code: WorkBook assigns a two-letter code to each country. Check with your WorkBook consultant if your country code is not referenced here. | Text E.g. AU, DE, DK, HK, NZ, SG, UK, US etc. | No |
RessParentId | Please leave this field blank, it is completed automatically on import. | N/A | No |
Comment | Comment: Add notes or a description if required. | Text | No |
ResId | Please leave this field blank, it is completed automatically on import. | N/A | No |
RecId | Please leave this field blank, it is completed automatically on import. | N/A | No |
CountryStateCd | Contact’s State | Text E.g. CA, FL, NY, NJ etc | No |
CountryCountyCd | Contacts’s County | Text E.g. Benton, Carlton, Dorchester etc | No |
Tel2 | Telephone number: Can be used to store an additional contact number. | Number and/or text | No |
Business | Industry: The industry the contact belongs to, for internal reference. | Text | No |
LinkedIn Profile: A link to the contact’s LinkedIn profile. | Text | No |
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