Job schedules in WorkBook are where you plan the tasks, timeline, and resources required to deliver the job. Within a job schedule, you can create a series of phases and tasks, allocate people or roles, book hours to them and assess real-time resource capacity as you build out the timeline.
In the jobs list > select the job
Click on the tasks icon in the left navigation panel
> click on the open job icon
Go to the tasks sub menu
A schedule is automatically created when a job is opened
A job schedule is comprised of three things:
1. Settings
The settings tab is where schedule defaults are set, here you can:
create new, duplicate or delete schedules
save the schedule as a template
The most common fields to update are:
the schedule title
activate/deactivate a schedule
manage the way bookings are made by selecting how you want to distribute hours on tasks
select the resource booking level
2. Phases
The phases tab is where you:
Add, delete or duplicate phases
Add phase descriptions to your schedule
Sort and reorder phases
All schedules will include one phase by default which can be overwritten
Update existing phase name
Go to the phases tab > highlight double click on the default phase name > replace with preferred phase name
Add a new phase
Click on + button (add phase icon) to add more phases
Enter the phase name on the new line
You can also enter a phase description with additional details
Repeat for each additional phase
add, duplicate or delete tasks
set task durations and dependencies
allocate resources to tasks and book hours
the tabs in the right-hand corner represent the different ways you can visualise the tasks on a job, including gantt Gantt, grid, timeline or list views
This is a sticky setting so once checked by a user will display across all job schedules
Add a new task
To add tasks to your schedule, select the phase you wish to add a task to
Go to the new task field > free type the task name > hit the enter key
Repeat for each task
Use shortcut keys to edit the task name, on your keyboard press ‘T' to edit the task name
Once a task is created there are a number of methods to change the dates and durations:
use the slide functionality to drag and drop tasks to a new date
amend the start date and duration in the resource booking panel
use the shortcut keys, on your keyboard press:
'D' to amend the date the task will commence
'W' to edit the task duration
Create dependencies by dragging a line between the white circles on the start or end of the two tasks you wish to create a relationship between
Right-click on the task binding to change the dependency type, add a lag or delete a binding or lag
Create recurring task bookings
WorkBook allows you to create recurring bookings at a set frequency against resources allocated to the task.
Add a task to your schedule and assign resources
Open the task card > go to basic settings sub menu > and go to the recurrence booking tab
Click the add new
icon and > enter a name for the recurrent booking
Click ok
Enter the following details in the recurrence booking window:
Start and end dates
Start time and the hours you wish to book. Optional checkboxes allow you to use off-days and/or overlap bookings
Select the frequency and the day/s of booking
Check the details of the bookings with the option of skipping specific dates. In the members tab, check the resources the recurring booking will be applied to
Once complete, click generate bookings
In the booked resources panel, go to the matrix view to see booking allocations across dates
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