Versions Compared


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319, 320 610 & 1051903

Display Price Quote Values, based on Approval Status

Control when price quote values appear in the job costs tab for reporting purposes - "approved externally" (319) when a client has approved the price quote or "approved internally" (320), when it is agency, but not client approved.

Variable 1051 controls when a price quote value appears in the jobs list. When switched on price quote values will appear in the price quote column no matter what status the price quote is at (except cancelled). If switched off, the jobs list will only show "internally & externally approved" price quote values in the price quote column.

610 & 903

Price Quote Probability

If using percentage probability on price quotes,


Some agencies use a percentage probability on price quotes for revenue forecasting purposes.

If using the percentage probability feature, system variable 610 controls the default probability percentage when a new price quote is created e.g. 50%.

Variable While system variable 903 controls when the probability will automatically update to 100% - either at price quote status "approved internally" or "approved externally".


Price Quote Editing

System variable 1058 is used by agencies to restrict edits on approved price quotes. When switched on, it locks the price quote status once it reaches "approved internally" or "approved externally" preventing any change to the status e.g. you can't take it back to "under preparation" to make any amendments.

There will usually be an accompanying internal process for managing versions in line with this control.


Price Quote Print & Layout Settings

System variable 1112 controls when you can edit the print & layout settings of a price quote, according to its status.

Print & layout settings control the level of detail shown on client facing price quote. Agencies often require print & layout settings to be reviewed and set prior to internal approval.

319, 320 & 1051

Job Reporting, based on Price Quote Approval Status

These system variables control when price quote values appear in job reports, specifically in a job's costs tab or the jobs list.

System variables 319 & 320 control when price quote values appear in a job’s costs tab. Price quote status "approved externally" (when a client has approved the price quote) is controlled by variable 319 and "approved internally" (when it is agency, but not client approved) is controlled by variable 320.

System variable 1051 controls when a price quote value appears in the jobs list. When switched on, price quote values will appear in the price quote column no matter what status the price quote is at (except cancelled). If switched off, the jobs list will only show "internally & externally approved" price quote values in the price quote column on the jobs list.


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